Listening to Her Breathe

I am playing hooky from work, sort of. I say sort of because I work out of a home office so the definition of hooky is a bit more fluid.

If you were to spy on me you would see that most days I sit at the computer in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I don't shave for days at a time and sometimes decided that it is easier to grow a beard than deal with a razor. It is not unusual for me to eat breakfast in front of the computer, the morning paper replaced with the electronic version.

Of course on the days that I have meetings with clients you'll see me in suit and tie. I own a half dozen suits but tend to wear the black ones most frequently. I have a particular love with my double breasted black blazer, but haven't worn it as much lately.

Anyhoo, today I am playing hooky because the dark haired beauty is home sick. She has a relatively low fever of 100 point something or other. Yesterday ten children from her kindergarten class missed school and early reports are that swine flu is the culprit.

At the moment Doctor Dad has diagnosed her with something that resembles a cold and in decided that it was smarter to give her a day off to rest and hopefully avoid something nastier. So I set her up on the couch next to one of my computers and have tried to get some work done while being serenaded by the sweet siren song of Spongebob.

It did the trick and she has since fallen asleep. If I was smart I would take advantage of this quiet time to try and pump out a bunch of material, but I find myself mesmerized by the sound of soft snoring. She is so peaceful and looks simply beautiful. What can I tell you, I am still in love.

I really should stop. I really should use the tricks we learned when they were babies. When the baby sleeps you sleep, or work, or do whatever it is you need to do. So I am going to sign off for a short while.

If you are interested here are some other posts about the dark haired beauty.

Too Much Information- The Girl in the Men's Room
Teaching Children Not To Quit
Learn To Live With What You Can't Rise Above
The Princess Speaks
What I Want For My Children & Random Thoughts
She Needs To Know About Boys
Want to Date My Daughter?
Dancing With My Daughter
My Daughter's Favorite Book
Yom Kippur & My Daughter
Rules For Dating My Daughter
Daddy, Why Are You Wearing Make-up?
What Are You Doing In There
The Wiggles Don't Play Here Anymore
Welcome to Tumbleweed Crossing
Playing it Safe
I Gotta Feeling



Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are a great father! I hope you got a little bit done on your day of playing "hooky"...might I add I am jealous that you get to work from home!

Twenty Four At Heart said...

Be careful. H1N1 looks like a cold a lot of time when it starts. I have way too much recent experience with it unfortunately. Hope she feels better soon!

Jack Steiner said...


The home office is nice, but days like today make it very challenging. It is hard to work when the kids are around.


We're paying very close attention. We'll see how it all goes. Thanks for the well wishes.

Jack Steiner said...


The home office is nice, but days like today make it very challenging. It is hard to work when the kids are around.


We're paying very close attention. We'll see how it all goes. Thanks for the well wishes.

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