
Building off of the prior post some situations make it clear that not only is there a connection, but you miss some people when they aren't around.

Those We Are Connected To

Been thinking quite a bit about those we are connected to and those we may disconnect with.

All this time together and all this time apart provides...opportunity for much.

Who Am I

Still laughing about the woman who told me how amazing my daughters were and how I was about to tell her when that Shmata queen showed up.

That woman told SQ that we were just talking about your girls, except she meant it as in 'our girls' which is a different story altogether.

Made me wonder who she thinks I am in this picture. Does she think I am the ex or the current?

Could have said I do know the one in the biblical sense but that would have been TMI for that situation, but pretty damn funny nonetheless.

Dear Woman Of My Dreams Part II

Technically this doesn't totally relate to part one, but then again maybe it does.

Standing outside the winery waiting to say goodbye CC comes up to me and apologizes because she says she doesn't remember my name.

I tell her and she tells me loves reading about our girls. "Your big one has her choice of colleges and your younger one is pretty amazing too."

I was about to tell her she was mistaken as to my role there when you came out and she said we were talking about them.

Would of said something but your mom was making sure you knew who taught you everything and so I just laughed and let it go.

Funny times.

Dear Woman Of My Dreams

Took one hell of a nap and actually had a dream in which you played a feature roll.

Don't know where we were, but I kissed you and then you asked me how long I was going to wait to ask for your mouth.

I said 'why' and you said you couldn't imagine me not asking because you 'know me.'

I laughed and asked and you smiled and went to take care of things. It may have been only a dream, but dammit, it reminded me of how well we get along.

We just fit each other. You know, we balance each other out in and make one heck of a union team.

Pallywood Posts

 I think a bunch of the posts about Pallywood that have been written and or linked here have to be updated. Probably a bunch of bad links, k...