The Engine Still Fires Up

Looks like the engine here still fires up and turns over. Nice to see the keys still work and the wheels still turn.

How refreshing is it to come back to our writing homes and know they are still around.

Sometimes I wonder if this place is destined to live forever or to gradually fade away, but for now it appears that things will continue.

Did You Miss Me?

Did you miss me dear reader? Did you notice I have been absent or was the silence acceptable?

I have been saying I would come back to visit and been trying to get here. Maybe not hard enough, but trying nonetheless.

Life has been hectic, my dad got real sick and eventually died. That made coming by here a little harder.

Not because I didn't want to, but because I only had so much energy to spare. But here I am checking in and looking around to see what needs work and what needs polishing.

A quick visit and then I'll be off...for a bit.

But I'll be back.

The Blog That Never Dies

Sometimes I wonder if this place is fated to be the blog that never dies because every time I think it is on it is final gasp it is revived.

Never as it once was but always more than a shell.

This is where it began and maybe if it ends it is what will kill the rest.

Or maybe not.

Maybe this part of the long slumber and in time a new dawn will break and things will move forward again.

I kind of like that thought.

Still Here

 I am still here even if I publish at a snail's pace. I am still here even if these posts aren't quite as random as they once were. ...