
This is one of those posts that might be better suited for TheJackB but I am placing it here because I feel like this one is being neglected a bit.

Here is where it all started and sometimes you have to spend a bit of time showing some respect for your elders.

Been an interesting few weeks and I find myself in an odd position where it seems like all I do is argue and or disagree with virtually everyone around me,

I am not shy or afraid to express my feelings nor do I have any problem standing alone. I am comfortable being the man who swims against the stream yet I have learned to stop what I am doing and consider if my actions are helping or hurting me.

Because if it is you against the world you need to figure out if you are arguing that the earth is round while the others say flat. If that is the case than you can keep doing what you are doing, keep going on and feel confident that your position is the right one to have.

But if you find that things are reversed you need to take a hard look and ask if your position is principled and or for lack of a better term, noble.

Because if you are the one who claims the earth is flat than maybe you are also the ass and what is the upside in insisting on fighting with everyone when you are defending idiocy.

More reading:

The Changes Come Fast and Furious

I stumbled onto a post called The Wiggles Don't Play Here Anymore and thought about all of the changes of the past few years. Will probably write a post about it in more detail at TheJackB.

It was a bittersweet read and if I had more free time I would write about it all now but alas I don't so all you get is a 3 minute shot of free thinking Jack.

Been writing like a fiend lately and all it has done is reminded me of how much time I really want and my dream of being able to do nothing but work on my writing. It makes me smile to think about that day and how I'll focus on storytelling.

And it makes me smile to think about how there have been moments where I had more time yet just couldn't spend it all at the computer.

Life is nothing but interesting, especially when you think about how sometimes it takes losing what you had to understand just why you miss it so much.

And now for those of you who want more reading material:

Pallywood Posts

 I think a bunch of the posts about Pallywood that have been written and or linked here have to be updated. Probably a bunch of bad links, k...