Jack The Fireman

Some days you wake up and discover that all you are going to do is run around putting out fires.

That describes today, I have been Jack the fireman. Most of the stuff I have done has been relatively easy, just annoying.

But there have been some a few bigger fires and some of those have got my attention. Some of those have got me wondering if they are going to turn into bigger issues and that concerns me because there is not a lot I can do to stop them from getting to be bigger and nastier.

Doesn't matter how close I pay attention or how much I do to be proactive because there is nothing in these things that allows me to work that way.

I am just stuck between a rock and a hard place hoping things go better than I expect but anticipating the worse.

But the thing that kills me, the one that sticks in my craw is that sense of if I had done as I wanted to way back when none of this would happen now.

Time Moves Too Quickly

Sometimes the hardest part of blogging is finding the time to do it. That is the real trick in my world these days, got lots to say and little time to do it.

Be Who You Are

I know whom I am, what I want, what I need and who I am. That doesn't always fall in line with others want or their expectations but I am ok with that.

I don't put a coat on because you are cold or change my thoughts, feelings and ideas just because it is out of line with others.

Sometimes being who you are is tough but you always end up feeling better about yourself than if you change your behavior to make someone else happy.

Lebron Loses Again

Somewhere in the blog is a post I wrote about how Lebron would have to leave cleveland to win a championship.

Some people disagreed and said he would never leave but history proved me right about that and wrong about him coming back.

So for kicks let me throw out again a prediction that he won't win a championship in cleveland. It is the kind of thing that will generate an emotional response from fans who will tell me they didn't win this year because of injuries.

I don't buy it.

That is because with Irving and Love he subjugates part of his game and doesn't play to his ability. Without them he plays as hard as he can but he isn't good enough to carry the team the distance.

He is not the player he once was, age and mileage have already caught up with him and his skills will continue to diminish. Unless he is given more serious help than he has the best he can hope for is the chance to improve his championship record from 2-6 in the championship to something like 2-8 or maybe 2-9.

Always on the other side of the mountain looking at the promised land because that team is cursed and until it is removed they aren't going anywhere.

Whither Shall He Go

The thing that people don't understand about being in what feels like a perpetual state of transition is that it is easy for you to feel like you are in a constant state of crisis.

That makes it hard to relax and just enjoy the peace of mind that we are all entitled to but don't always receive.

So when I look at the recent past I ask myself what I can do to change the equation so that it doesn't always reflect this place. The point is if you do what you have always done what makes you think anything will change.

Choices and Decisions

Been a busy day, woke up at 4:30, hit the road and five states later entered the "room."

Big meeting, might lead to some big choices and Decisions time.

Kind of exciting, bit nerve wracking too.

Gut feelings are big with this one.

Cleaning Up Old Posts

Been digging through old posts and trying to clean up the stuff that is riddled with bad links and poor formatting.

Came across some of the first works of fiction I wrote like this one, and have been trying to fix the formatting there too, at least over at TheJackB.

Haven't been as good about doing so here, but that is because this has taken on a secondary role.

Hardest part of all of this is time, there just isn't enough so I do this kind of stuff as I stumble across it.

At the moment I am working on a sponsored post that is supposed to go up Monday which is why I am in the archives because I am trying to insert appropriate links.

I suppose the sponsored stuff is easier to work on, at least from a cleaning up perspective because there is a return on my time.

I still maintain The Sound Of Music Sucks.

One Day

One day I need to work on the story that I envisioned all those years ago. It was supposed to be placed here but now it will probably end up elsewhere.

Been writing all over the place today, just letting the words flow from my fingertips with little to no thought about whether it is good or bad.

A Note To Myself

This is really just a note to myself to take this post and this one out of the pile and figure out a way to make them work together.

Got a bunch of ideas for how I might do it but we'll see if I get to it tonight or not. Might have to wait to tomorrow or later for it.

Going to take this one too and update it.

Still Here

 I am still here even if I publish at a snail's pace. I am still here even if these posts aren't quite as random as they once were. ...