Haveil Havalim #200- The Harvey Edition

Welcome to Haveil Havalim #200, the Harvey edition. This is the weekly blog carnival of the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere. It was initially founded and run by my blog carnival sensei, Soccer Dad.

After a few years he moved back into the field and I took over as Chief of Control. I have to tell you that being chief comes with a few perks, such as being master of the Cone of Silence, or C.O.S. The good old C.O.S. is pretty damn cool. I'll use the next sentence to demonstrate how it works.

Now I don't know if you agree with that last point or not, but it sure makes sense to me. I'd say more but we're not really supposed to discuss things like the C.O.S. So let's move on to why I called this the Harvey edition.

A while back I had to make a reservation at a restaurant. Most of the time when I do this I simply tell them to make it for Jack, party of however many people there are. On this particular occasion I didn't. Instead I said that my name was Harvey Havalim and that I wanted to be seated at a communal table. It earned a puzzled expression from the hostess and a strange look from the people who were with me. Stupid jokes are really only funny in certain situations. This was neither funny nor the appropriate situation.

Ok. Bear with me another moment and we'll get to the meat. I have found running Haveil Havalim to be a lot of fun, most of time. The exposure to new blogs and the interaction with you folks out in the field has been great. I look forward to seeing the carnival grow and expand in 2009, with new hosts and new bloggers submitting their posts.

This particular edition of H.H. is a bit different than I had intended it to be. Not that I had any specific plans, but I had hoped to give the 200th edition a more celebratory feel. However the updates for the War in Gaza have occupied a bit more time and energy so this issue is not what it could be.

Anyhoo, I could spend more time sharing my thoughts but the real reason you come here is to try and get a sense of what has taken place in the Jewish/Israeli blogosphere this past week. So without any further ado here is the 200th edition of Haveil Havalim.


We'll start with links to all of the updates on the War In Gaza. They contain some truly outstanding posts. 1* 2 *3* 3.5* 4* 4.5* 5* 5.5* 6*6.5 *7* 7.5* 8* 8.5.*9, *9.5, *10, *10.5, *11, *11.5, *12, *12.5, *13, *13.5 and 14.

Theodore Pappas presents The Difference Between Hamas and Israel (As Clear as War and Peace).

Eric presents A War Against Hamas or Iran?

The Occidental Israeli wrote Operation Cast Lead - Etymology. LOZ shared Hamodia: Fast Today for the Gaza War!

Daled Amos asked Is Support For The Two State Solution Dying?

Soccer Dad is Diehling with iran. Barbara submitted Boo Hoo - Blame the Hamas TERRORISTS (not 'militants') and Why the Israeli People Have Finally had Enough.

Daled Amos posted the obvious in Yes, It's True: The Lives Of Palestinian Civilians Are Secondary To Saving Israeli Soldiers and Olmert Defies The UN (Yes, Really!).

Esser Agaroth covered a terror attack in Rechovot. Mere Rhetoric has MSM Headlines Blame Israel For Scuttling UN Ceasefire That Hamas Unequivocally Rejects.

From What War Zone I Don't Care If They Drop Kassams on My Head, I'm Driving on Kvish 6, Dammit and BREAKING NEWS: Gaza War Turns Nuclear!

Cosmic X presents Background: Gaza and Cast Lead.

Mrs. S. presents Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress: Kiddush Hashem – English translation.

Sara Layah Shomron presents Beit Shemesh Effort.

From the Ima we have Let's Take it Real World, Old School.

Cosmic X presents Captain Yonatan Netanel z"l and UNRWA Must Go!

The Rebbitzin's Husband shared Letter to the world: What did you think was going to happen?

LB presents Ceding Land. And then we have “Ani mavtiach lach, yaldah sheli ketanah…”

Joel Katz presents Religion and State in Israel - January 5, 2009. Harry presents Kids’ play and Finding hope in the Gaza conflict.

Ben-Yehudah presents Call me a radical, right-wing, scaremongering overoptimist and Rocket Range Increases.

Baila presents It's my first war and I'll cry if I want to. Ben-Yehudah presents Israeli Election Ploy.

Mottel covered The Death of Journalistic Standards. From NY's Funniest Rabbi we have Shalom.

I agree with Apologizing Will Not Make You Safe. You can take a look at ISRAELI VOICES: WHEN TO STOP.

Harry presents Kids’ play and Finding hope in the Gaza conflict.


Nameless Faceless presents Why did she convert, anyhow? and What do you mean, your neighbor doesn't own a grenade-launcher?

The Real Shliach presents Wake up and see the truth. Tikkun Olam says Thank you, Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson.

Schvach presents Schvach - פני דל.

The Rebbitzin's Husband shared Another casualty of Bernard Madoff: The definition of “Jew.”
Leora presents A Sweet Angel Song.

A Simple Jew presents הוא מחדש בכל יום תמיד - A Daily Challenge.

Avodah Ivrit עבודה עברית presents Qiriyat Sefer Stops Arab Workers From Entering.

Dan presents Commentary on the Writings of Rav Kook.


Batya presents Worth The Frozen Toes and Swollen Fingers. Frum Satire shared the Guide to frum wedding dances.

rickismom presents Five Kilos. Batya presents ...And I Didn't Even Have Time To Crochet!.

Mike In Midwood presents MY DOOR BELL, MY LIFE, LEAVE ME ALONE.

rutimizrachi presents Daven well. Bring Moshiach..

Shtetl Fabulous presents The Passion of the Everyday

Ben presents Jewish Armenianism.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Mottel said...

Great Job! Even more so in light of the energy you've put into your Gaza round ups these past two weeks!

rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Great ob. Thank you.

Benji Lovitt said...

Good job as always, Jack!

Mrs. S. said...

Well done and thanks for the links.

May the coming week bring good tidings.

Esser Agaroth said...


Dear Jack,

1. Thanks for hosting, Chiefing, and for including my links.

2. Just to emphasize...the right wing extremist post is from Bi'ur Hametz, which I liked and several bloggers in Israel were "chattering" about it.

3. I can neither confirm nor deny that I myself am a "right wing" extremist.

4. Your continued efforts with Jameel to drive me insane by posting the wrong edition number are disconcerting. Please at least post an explanation to the JBlogging public {in the comments section} as to why you insist on doing so.

5. I'll deal with Jameel later.

6. Was the restaurant Eilat Burger in Van Nuys? Or Pat's on Pico?

7. Most importantly, fellow blogger TriCat gave birth to a boy. Please wish her Mazal Tov.

8. HH #199 [200] Is Up!

Leora said...

Thank you! For all your hard work on the Gaza reports and for your 200th edition.


Batya said...

Jack, it's all said here and cross-posted here, too.

rabbi neil fleischmann said...

In case anyone is confuse, I meant to write JOB.

Avodah Ivrit said...

Thank you for the link.

Haveil Havalim #200

Phyllis Sommer said...

great job, especially in light of all the work you're doing.


Anonymous said...

Another fine job. I really enjoy when you add snipets of ypur own experiences to HH.

With God's Help, I will host in the near future.

And thanks so much for all that you've been doing with the twice-daily updates.

Jack Steiner said...

Mottel, RNF,

Thank you.


Back atcha.

Mrs. S.,


Your continued efforts with Jameel to drive me insane by posting the wrong edition number are disconcerting. Please at least post an explanation to the JBlogging public {in the comments section} as to why you insist on doing so.

It is not a drive, it is a walk. ;)

Eilat Burger was in Pico-Robertson or so I recall.

Mazal Tov to Trilcat.

Hi Leora,

Thank you.


Thank you.


It is my pleasure.

Hi Phyllis,



No worries. Get healthy first and then worry about hosting.

Anonymous said...

As expected, antisemitic attacks are up throughout the world, synagogues are attacked, and Jews on every campus are subject to increasingly fierce hostility. We have been here before. Justified or unjustified, the entire Jewish world pays the price of Israel's actions, however legitimate they may be.

Our question is this: Does the Israeli government ever take this into account when making its decisions?

If the diaspora is expected to take the rap for Israel's actions, and to come out in support, shouldn't it also be consulted at some point?

If there is 'taxation', shouldn't there also be representation?

Israel excites, alienates and compels. How are we as Jews implicated in Israel's achievements, mistakes, and challenges? MAKOM invites you to join an ongoing conversation about hugging and wrestling with Israel.


Jack Steiner said...

Our question is this: Does the Israeli government ever take this into account when making its decisions?

Wondered about that for years.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .