War in Gaza Update #12

***Updated at 8:45 AM PST****

Welcome to the War in Gaza Update #12. It is part of the continuing series of news and information about the War In Gaza.

Previous editions of the round up can be found below:1* 2 *3* 3.5* 4* 4.5* 5* 5.5* 6*6.5 *7* 7.5* 8* 8.5.*9, *9.5, *10, *10.5, *11, *11.5.

YNET: Rocket barrage hits northern Israel.
YNET: Israel slams cardinal's 'concentration camp' jibe
Haaretz: Hamas executes 'collaborators', restricts Fatah movement
Haaretz: At least three Lebanon rockets hit north Israel
JPost: Analysis: As the diplomats falter, IDF focuses on Philadelphi
JPost: Yahalom unit commander: More tunnels than Lebanon
JPost: Daniel Pipes:Solving the "Palestinian Problem"
Washington Post: Hamas Pulling Back Into Crowded Cities, Beckoning Israelis
CNN: Zakaria: Israel should end campaign in a few days. Note-He says Israel was justified going in.
Bloomberg: Mideast Peace Rests With Arabs, Not U.S., Europe: Bernard Lewis
Times Online: Israel acts because the world won't defend it
Jeff Jacoby has identified it, Yes, it's anti-Semitism. Before people go off half cocked let me provide a quick excerpt:
CRITICIZING Israel doesn't make you anti-Semitic: If it's been said
once, it's been said a thousand times. Yet somehow that message doesn't seem to
have reached the hundreds of anti-Israel demonstrators in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who turned out last week to protest Israel's military operation in Gaza. As their signs and chants made clear, it isn't only the Jewish state's policies they oppose. Their animus goes further.

Demonstrators chanted "Nuke, nuke Israel!" and carried placards accusing Israel of "ethnic cleansing" and bearing such messages as: "Did Israel take notes during the Holocaust? Happy Hanukkah." To the dozen or so supporters of Israel gathered across the street, one demonstrator shouted: "Murderers! Go back to the ovens! You need a big oven."

Israellycool and The Muqata are still liveblogging the war. The IDF Spokesperson blog continues to provide updates as well.

Yaacov Lozowick has this to say Bloggers vs. Hacks.

Israel Matzav shared Breaking: War in Lebanon?, Video: How Hamas operates within a civilian population and IDF warns Philadelphi corridor residents to flee.

A Soldier's Mother shared Spoke to Elie...finally.

Daled Amos shared One Jerusalem Conference Call With MK and Brigadier General Effie Eitam. The Elder has Terrorists brag about causing Gaza civilians to die and Do explosions look like this?

The aptly named What War Zone wants to know How Does One Find a Good Hamburger During a War? AM I ASKING SO MUCH???

Westbankmama says No Religious, No Secular, We Are All One Here. At Plancks Constant you can learn Why Hamas Is Not Allowing Wounded to Leave Gaza.

Have you wondered about the Cyber war? Israel 21c Offering protection in the new cyber war.

Jewlicious shared links in Happy Reading. From Stop The ACLU, ANSWER: We’re not anti-semitic, we just hate all Jews.

Have you ever wondered How the Gaza Tunnels into Egypt Work. Over at Okielife we read Israel has a lot of patience: Fire 5000 rockets into Texas and ALL the terrorists would be tracked down by nightfall.

Preemptive Karma just found out about the Digusting actions of some of the protesters. This goes beyond the pale. It is one thing to criticize Israel, but to say that Jews should go to the ovens is another. And the reality is that antisemitism is running rife through many of these protest groups. Not just shameful, but troubling.

Don't forget to read Shocking usage of human shields, Hamas packs a roof over missiles filled home.

Shiloh Musings has a list of the wounded.

This concludes the round up. It will be updated later on.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .