War in Gaza Update 12.5

Welcome to the War in Gaza Update #12. It is part of the continuing series of news and information about the War In Gaza.

Previous editions of the round up can be found below:1* 2 *3* 3.5* 4* 4.5* 5* 5.5* 6*6.5 *7* 7.5* 8* 8.5.*9, *9.5, *10, *10.5, *11, *11.5, *12.

Within the MSM we have the following selections:

CNN: U.N. suspends aid work in Gaza.
WAPO: Jimmy Carter: An Unnecessary War (Sorry, the man's enormous ego prevents him from making unbiased observations.
WSJ: The Jews Face a Double Standard
NY Times: Gaza War Role Is Political Lift for Ex-Premier.
NY Times: Israelis Honor Fallen Soldiers, While Seeing the Gaza Campaign as Justified.
Haaretz: Hamas executes 'collaborators', restricts Fatah movement.
Haaretz: ANALYSIS / Excellent intel on Gaza shows Israel learned from its errors in Lebanon.
Haaretz: Israel's PR war.
YNET: Merkel says Israel security key for Gaza ceasefire.
YNET: IDF discovers Hamas booby-trap map

Israellycool and The Muqata are still liveblogging the war. The IDF Spokesperson blog continues to provide updates as well.

At Yourish I recommend you read Hamas targets schools, world is blind, deaf, and dumb on topic, He writes what I think and How soon they forget?

Over at Soccer Dad Aint nick's boomerang and The Watcher's Council Nominations.

Go check out Humor During War. Israel Matzav shared Red Cross attacks Israel over Gaza find and discussed the Vatican's remark.

At Hot Air you can read Palestinians try opening a second front. At The Week spend a moment looking at Why Democrats recoil from Gaza.

Crittenden shared Gaza, Trash Heap of Moral Authority, including comments about Jimmy Carter. Don Surber has remarks about Carter's comments at Jimmy the joke. So does A Blog For All: Foolish Evil Anti-Semite Rant of the Day: Jimmy Carter.

While you are there go read Operation Cast Lead: Day 13. Here is one more from Soccer Dad about Jimma.

Seraphic Secret wrote It Can (and is) Happening Here. Irshad Manaji writes Palestinian leader: “Fatah and Hamas come from the same root”.

Gateway Pundit offered Surprise-- Iranian Regime Repeating "Banned Weapons" Hoax. At Writes Like She Talks- Gaza, Israel: Who you callin’ one state?

Here is an interesting post From blogger to intrepid audio diarist for the BBC.

Mother in Israel submitted Updates and list of injured soldiers and civilians. At Shiloh Musings No Time For Truce--Israel Attacked From Lebanon!

My Right Word shared Dr. Chesner on "War and the Parental Instinct to Protect" and Here's A Great Support Group Initiative.

This concludes the round up. We'll try to update this later.


Leora said...

Jack, when you get a chance, please send some loyal commentators over to westbankmama. She's got a barrage of anti-Israel comments today.

Thank you, and for this post, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links, Jack. Greatly appreciated!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .