It is A Bathroom Revolution

Friends you know that one of my goals here at the Shack is to provide you with information and resources that you can use to improve your life. Our team of experts is always hard at work sniffing out the best deals and products from around the globe.

Today I am pleased to inform you that we have discovered a device that will revolutionize your bathroom experience. Chances you have never thought about a good toilet accessory, but this is it.

In the video below you'll learn about the first improvement to toilet paper as know it since the 1880s. For a mere pittance you can pick up the Comfort Wipe.

For those who have missed out on past reviews of useful products here is a list of links that you might find to be useful.

How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs
What Not to Do-Snakebites
The Cubicle Celebrates 40 Years

How Velcro Was Invented
My New Desk- I Have To Get One
London Restaurant Tries To Solve Gas Crisis
Who Wants To Buy An Artificial Foreskin
Untapped Sources of Energy

The Mangroomer
Business Cards That Will Get You Business
Medical Technology- The future is now
Inventions You have Got T0 Have (Includes the ladies urinal, toilet forehead support system and much more.)
The Nose Pouch How Much Would it Cost To Build The Death Star
Lose Weight With The Greatest Exercise Ever
The Best Clothing You'll Ever Own
When Disaster Strikes- Blow Up Your House
A free guide to the toilets of the world


FlutePrayer said...

A few months ago I would have thought this was hilarious. Sadly, sudden back spasms brought on by too much flute playing and not enough exercising had me wishing for something JUST LIKE THIS. I'm back to working out and hope I never need one of these EVER. Glad to know they exist...just in case.

Elie said...

This has to be a parody!

Jack Steiner said...

Hi FP,

Glad to be of service.


I don't know, it could be real.

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