War in Gaza Update- Ceasefire Edition

Welcome to the War in Gaza Update #19.

Previous editions of the round up can be found below:1* 2 *3* 3.5* 4* 4.5* 5* 5.5* 6*6.5 *7* 7.5* 8* 8.5.*9, *9.5, *10, *10.5, *11, *11.5, *12, *12.5, *13, *13.5, *14, *14.5, *15, *16, *17, *18, *18.5 and 19.

As a side note Haveil Havalim, the weekly blog carnival of the Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere can be found here. Go check it out as you can be certain that it also contains valuable posts about the war.

From the traditional media we have:

CNN: Israel declares unilateral cease-fire in Gaza
NY Times: Israel Declares Cease-Fire; Hamas Says It Will Fight On
WSJ: Israel to Halt Offensive in Gaza Strip
Reuters: Israel to cease fire in Gaza, no deal for Hamas
JPost: PM says all Israel's goals in Cast Lead have been attained
JPost: Hamas vows to keep fighting Israel
JPost: Mubarak calls for IDF to leave Gaza (Maybe he'll see about shutting down the tunnels.)
Haaretz: An open letter to Gideon Levy
Haaretz: ANALYSIS / Israel declares victory in Gaza, but at what cost?
Haaretz: ANALYSIS / The ball is now in Hamas' court in Gaza
TNR The Things They Carried
Commentary: Thoughts On The Cease-Fire

From the blogosphere:

Aussie Dave and The Muqata continued live-blogging the war.

The Rebbitzin's Husband: Gaza, Wounded Children and the Tyranny of Liberal/Conservative Labels

At Yourish read the following posts:
British academics: Israel must be destroyed
IDF concludes deterrence has been achieved
Religion of peace and tolerance closes only synagogue left in Indonesia

Omri provides these posts that I encourage you to read:

Breaking: Hamas Launches Last-Second Barrages As Israel Prepares To Declare Ceasefire (UPDATE: Israel Declares Ceasefire)

Israel To Call Unilateral Ceasefire, Declare Partial Victory (Plus: Has Operation Cast Lead Achieved Anything?)

Iranian Cleric: Put A Bullet In Livni's Head (Plus: Smug Liberal Sophistication Unperturbed By Spectacularly Wrong Iran Predictions, Failed Anti-Iran Efforts)

Firedoglake offers Breaking: Israel Declares “Ceasefire”, cue Rod Serling. At Crittenden read World Gone Gaza.

Surber posts Cease-fire. Shrinkwrapped has an interesting piece called Inverted Cowardice.

Go read Some comments on the “Israel must lose” letter - David Hirsh.

At Israel Matzav Liveblog: Olmert announces Israel to surrender to 'public opinion' , Did Israel cave to Mubarak? and IDF opposed cease fire.

From Treppenwitz you have Betrayed. The Occidental Israeli asks Truce? What Truce?

Daled Amos wants to know Did Mony Python Negotiate Israel's Ceasefire?

At EOZ read Why diplomats don't get it and British anti-semitism roundup.

WestBankMama has A Gift for the New President. Judeopundit says Iran Gloats.

And from Shiloh Musings The Government's Statement re: Unilateral Cease Fire.

This will be updated later tonight.


Bluegrass Pundit said...

Israel unilaterally declared a ceasefire yesterday. Of course it quickly vanished when Hamas fired five rockets into Israel. Hamas does not want to cease fire unless it is on their therms. They are concerned about looking defeated in the eyes of the Arab world. In truth, they have been defeated from a military standpoint. The vanishing Israeli cease fire

Jack Steiner said...


Hamas is terrified of losing face and will do all that they can to spin this.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .