War in Gaza Update #16

Welcome to the War in Gaza Update #16.

Previous editions of the round up can be found below:1* 2 *3* 3.5* 4* 4.5* 5* 5.5* 6*6.5 *7* 7.5* 8* 8.5.*9, *9.5, *10, *10.5, *11, *11.5, *12, *12.5, *13, *13.5, *14, *14.5 and 15.

From the traditional media we have:

NY Times:Olmert Says He Made Rice Change Vote
NY Times: Israel Says Hamas Is Damaged, Not Destroyed
CNN: Israel tightens grip on Gaza City; Hamas stays defiant
WAPO: Israeli envoy plans 'decisive' talks in Egypt
WSJ: Europe Reimports Jew Hatred
WSJ: Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel: Stop funding a Palestinian youth bulge, and the fighting will stop too By Gunnar Heinsohn
Arutz Sheva: 'Cast Lead' Photo, Video Essay: Anti-Aircraft Gun Inside Mosque
Arutz Sheva: Humanitarian Aid: Reaching Gaza's Poor?
JPost: US says Olmert's UN vote story 'just 100%, totally not true'
JPost: Saying 'No' was a mistake
JPost: Red Cross: 'Israel's white phosphorus use legal'

Jefferey Goldberg: Does "Black Hawk Down" Portray an American War Crime?
Daily Dish: The Iran-Hamas Axis, Ctd.

From the blogosphere:

Aussie Dave and The Muqata continue live-blogging the war. The IDF provides video of a "Weaponized Mosque."

Much has been made about how this offensive is going to backfire because it will create more hatred. Yaacov takes that on in a post called Sowing Eternal Hatred in which he evaluates whether that theory is true or not.

Read about The Red Mosque of Death at Seraphic Secret.

Yourish has the story about Hamas to CSM: We won’t stop firing rockets, even with a truce.

The Elder has The war against Starbucks and Another terrorist "civilian".


Zombietime has pictures of a protest in San Francisco.

Gateway Pundit told us Neo-Nazis Join Pro-Hamas Rally In Calgary. GP also shared this crazy story and video Muslim "Peace" Protesters Chase UK Police Down Street Screaming "Run You F**king Cowards!" (Video)

Foreign Policy Watch covered Not Exactly Rocket Science, but Close.

Solomonia tipped me off to Barry Rubin: The Peace Process is in Jeopardy? I Wonder Why! -

Confederate Yankee blogged Red Cross Confirms the Obvious: Israeli White Phosphorus Smoke Shells Used Legally in Gaza; Hamas Docs Continue Propaganda Efforts.

From Nad Ned Nad Ned, The Many Ways It Touches Us.

Shakesville wrote Open Thread on Israel Strike on Hamas, Part III. The folks at FDL are still foaming at the mouth in Gaza Update: Israel Whitewashing White Phosphorous. They must not have read Soccer Dad takes on the White Phosphorus Lies.

At DB check out A Triumph of Wishful Thinking.

Steg wrote a post about A JNF Rabbinic Solidarity Mission. At Shiloh Musings you can read Maybe Israel Tries Too Hard Not To Injure Gazan Civilians.

The Belgravia Dispatch shared Of War, and Tent Hospitals. Daled Amos covered Hamas In Hiding: Who's Afraid? Not Us! and The West Wins If It Lets Israel Win.

Vengeful Zhid asks Why can't Jews be treated like Muslims?

The Rebbitzin's Husband has An answer for Mick Verran - A Peace Compromise. A Soldier's Mother blogs Stop While You Are Ahead.

Want to know why you should come to Israel? Read this and find out more.

This ends the round up. Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/TheJackB.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Stop killing people.. peace no war!

Anonymous said...

War, as history has taught us, is inevitable between two enemies. Innocent people die. Face that fact. War is not pretty.

War is sometimes necessary when there can be no peace. The stronger combatant will inevitably prevail.

When you sit down to eat tonight with your family, are you wondering if a rocket will hit your house? Probably not.

If you lived in a country where a random rocket could kill you and your family, what would you do? Would you ask your government to stop those that fire the rockets? Would you wage war against them? Inevitably you would...when all else fails.

To think anything else is naive...

I hope they wipe out Hamas...every last one of them that hold this fanatical ideology about non-muslims in some area on the planet so-called the holy land.

Anonymous said...

Israel is not looking to have a war with anyone. When provoked as they clearly are, they must defend their people just like any other country would. The world must wake up and realize who is the enemy here. Don't be fooled by uneducated comments believing that hamas is not at fault, and many other hate filled militants. Hiding under civilian cover and firing weapons like cowards. And most important DONT underestimate ISRAEL. The United States and other peace seeking nations need to WAKE UP and stand with ISRAEL in this most hateful show of cowardly force by hamas. In the end Good will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Have the people that compare the Gaza to the Holocaust read the Hamas Charter.

The Hamas charter literally calls for the genocide of all Jews.

So a group of people (Palestinians) elect a political party that has the same endgame as Adolph Hitler. This party proceeds to send missils at the Jewish state.

And the Jews are the nazis?

If this was the 1940's, this would be the equivalent of feeling sorry for the nazi sympathizers.

Anonymous said...

Way is "Hamas" still playing around and "STOP" the the rockets!!! You know this war is not going to help bring peace "I dont understand" Muslims way... If'HAMAS' love the Palestinians people there should "STOP" and stop Hiding under civilian cover and firing weapons like cowards...
As there are...FU,,,, Cowards!!

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