War in Gaza Update #14.5

Here is a quick update on the War in Gaza.

Enclosed in this post is more news about the shocking incidents of antisemitism at protests in countries around the world. Don't let anyone fool you when they say that it is only about protesting against Israeli actions. If that was the case synagogues wouldn't be vandalized, Jews in Britain wouldn't write about feeling unsafe and scumbags wouldn't yell "Jews to the ovens."

Every country can and should be criticized, but if that is all that was going on we wouldn't have those stories would we.

Previous editions of the round up can be found below:1* 2 *3* 3.5* 4* 4.5* 5* 5.5* 6*6.5 *7* 7.5* 8* 8.5.*9, *9.5, *10, *10.5, *11, *11.5, *12, *12.5, *13, *13.5, *14.

From traditional media we have:

CNN: Israel calls for 'further patience' to meet Gaza goals.
WAPO: Peace Is No Longer in Sight
NY Times: Israeli Troops Push Into Gaza City in Day of Fierce Fighting
Guardian: British Jew: I Don't Feel Safe in England
YNET: Mashaal rejects int'l presence in Gaza
YNET: Media war on 'Nazi' Israel
YNET: Jewish communities fear escalation of anti-Israel protests
JPost: Iran warns Hamas not to accept Egyptian truce proposal
JPost: Fatah Leader: Hamas Are Criminals
JPost: Analysis: Closing in on the Gaza goals

From The Blogosphere we have:
Video of a school that was booby trapped by Hamas. If you don't speak Hebrew it is subtitled.

Aussie Dave and The Muqata continue live-blogging the war.

The IDF Blog has a summary of today's events. Here is a brief excerpt:

“We continue to face an insane reality of booby-trapped tunnels and booby-trapped schools. In one neighborhood of 150 homes, over 30 homes were found to be rigged with explosives,” IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Avi Benayahu said. “Hamas is booby-trapping every home that is abandoned by its residents.”

The IAF targeted nearly 60 Hamas targets in Gaza throughout the day, including:
  • Over 20 smuggling tunnels along the Rafah border
  • Approximately 15 cells of armed gunmen
  • Seven weapons production and storage facilities
  • Several rocket launching sites, including the launcher used to attack Be’er Sheva in the morning
The Rebbitzin's Husband has Wake up, Jon Stewart, here's a Border Crossing Chronology. Michael Totten says Hamas is threatening to kill International Peace Keepers.

Seraphic Secret shared Hamas and their Many, Many, Human Shields. Yaacov Lozowick discussed Owning the Dead Children and NYT: Yes, Hamas Fights Dirty.

From Soccer Dad, Shiny Happy Dhimmi #8 and Both sides now.

Gateway Pundit offers German Police Rip Down Israeli Flag to Cheers of "Allahu Akhbar" (Video) and Vandals Deface 3 Chicago Synagogues-- "Death to Israel" Painted on Walls.

Yourish has Hamas: On the run, not on the ropes. The Jewish Policy Center covered the Palestinian Civil War in Gaza.

Doug Ross has video of Hamas Kidnapping Children to Use As Human Shields.

At TMV Obama’s Silence on Gaza Has Already Tarnished His Halo: Rue 89 of France.

Go visit the Elder to read Arab world not happy with Hamas, Outright anti-semitism in Denmark "peace" rallies and Outright anti-semitism in Denmark "peace" rallies.

The Sand Monkey says that Israel has made a terrible mistake.

From Daled Amos Adding Balance To The Disproportionate Debate On "Disproportionate Force" and Video: Humanitarian Aid To Gaza Includes Hamas Uniforms.

Israel Matzav had these posts Video: 'Bombs are more precious than children,' Hamas calls on Gaza kids to form a human shield and Even the Muslims get it.

Backspin has its take here. Nad-ned Nad Nad-Ned blogged about The Many Ways It Touches Us.

Here is a picture from our correspondent at the Israel rally in Los Angeles

This ends the round up. Stay tuned for more.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that photo at the end - the irony of someone hiding their face behind that particular placard, has brightened my extremely depressed mood.

Jack Steiner said...


Daniel Saunders said...

I blogged about the pro-Israel rally in London here.

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