Odds and Ends

After spending most of the past two days focused upon politics I need to spend a bit of time decompressing. So this post is going to be nothing more than odds and ends about this and that.

The 17 long time readers know that I find the holiday season to be tedious. But I have to admit that this time of year I do appreciate the fine food that I seem to stumble and trip over everywhere I go. The only problem is that my metabolism seems to have gone on vacation. The pants are a hair too tight and my shirts, well they could fit better too.

So from a man who hates making resolutions here is one that I will live up to. I am going to move into the gym. Actually I made a decision a while back to get more serious about lifting again and I followed through on that. I have a standing date with my weightset and have been good about living up to my obligations there.

In addition I have been good about using my perfect pushups and have been reaping the rewards. However, I have noticed that age is impacting my workout in ways that it never used to. I seem to have lost a bit of my elasticity in my shoulders and joints. I notice creaking and aches that never used to show up come by and visit me far too often.

We picked up a Wii as a Chanukah gift for the children. I picked up Guitar Hero for me. It has been surprisingly fun and a good distraction at time. I am not very good at it yet, but I am making progress on the easy level.

A while back I blogged about having my own theme song. I still like the idea. I think that I might revisit the topic. See you in the next post.


chosha said...

Some friends have a Wii and got a Wii Fit for Christmas. The games look like fun, though I'm not supposed to say that out loud because a close friend of mine is adamant that Wii is the ruination of the gaming industry because so much funding is going towards games that are technically of poor quality at the expense of more sophisticated and exciting games. I don't know - every time the kids play with the Wii Fit they come back happy and physically tired. It must have some appeal.

Good luck with your goals and happy new year!

Jack Steiner said...

The Wii does have some relatively simple games, but it is a heck of a lot of fun. And they do get up and move. I won't say that they move around as much as they do outside, but they aren't complete couch potatoes either.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .