My Theme Song

Someone once suggested that life would be far more fun if we could walk around with a theme song. I kind of like the idea. If I could do it than I would want to have a rotation of songs to use.

For example, here are the top five I would want right now:
  1. O Fortuna- Orff
  2. Hurt- Johnny Cash version
  3. Raiders Of The Lost Ark: The Raiders' March- John Williams
  4. Jaws Theme- John Williams
  5. The Empire Strikes Back: The Imperial March- John Williams


have popcorn will lurk said...

Carmina Burana rocks!

Jack Steiner said...

Doesn't it.

Elie said...

When we wanted to rank on someone in grade school, we'd say his theme song must be "If I Only Had a Brain" ;-}

Val said...

I see a trend of John William's...

Elie said...

BTW, #5 on your list is my ringtone!

Anonymous said...

I am wondering where the Olympic theme is in all of this ;)

Anonymous said...

all night i was up are a very bad man :)...okay here is my list of five for now: 1.I'm Still Standing...Elton John;2.Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In...The 5th Dimension;3. Zorba the Greek...anyone;
4.Sunrise/Sunset,Fiddler on the Roof;5. Splish Splash I was Having a Flash...i mean taking a bath; and one more for good luck HIT THE ROAD JACK :))) stay safe, this was fun...think i'll try it on my blog...

Jack Steiner said...


Got to love the Wizard of Oz.


You are correct.


I am not surprised. ;)


This is an abridged list. IF I provided a full list it would be on there.


Why does everyone call me a bad man. ;)

PsychoToddler said...

I have my theme song on my sidebar.

Jack Steiner said...


I kind of enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I knew it :)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .