Inspired By Hannibal Lechter I Present

Sorry, I am not interested in purchasing any sort of torture device for the purpose of trying to keep the old goat clean. It looks like he is wearing some sort of muzzle or meat grinder. Just not my thing.

Hat tip: Ingrid


One Wink at a Time said...

omg, this is so funny/ridiculous. Do you know there is a template thing along these lines for (women's) eyebrows? But I don't think it's exactly for shaving around...
Do you have a goatee? I'm a little curious as to why anyone would want something on their face named after a bovine. Wait, no, is it a ruminant? Or just a farm animal? I don't know...

Jack Steiner said...

Nope, no goatee now. Had a very full beard which became a goatee which became a clean shaven face.

Anonymous said...

This is right up there with a device I saw a few years ago that holds you pants open while you put them on.

Jack Steiner said...

Hey Bill,

That sounds kind of funny, or at least my image of it is.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .