You Live In A Christian Country- Deal With It

In my travels throughout the blogosphere I touch down upon many blogs and interact with bloggers of many different perusasions. The diversity is part of what I love about this medium. I find it fascinating to be able to have this ongoing dialogue and interaction with so many people I might otherwise never encounter.

In general I tend not to do a lot of lurking, it is just not my style. Typically if I show up at your blog I will leave a note to let you know that I have been around. Sometimes the notes are met favorably and sometimes with disdain. Apparently some of the political bloggers out there do not appreciate having their opinions challenged. While I understand how some of the more provincially minded folks might feel this way it is not how I operate. I like to be challenged.

The trick is to try and do it in a way in which you engage in a dialogue and not some kind of pissing contest in which you see who can be the most insulting. These sorts of flame wars hold a minimal amount of entertainment value but for the most part they are a waste of time.

Anyhoo, I recently received an email from another blogger in which they tried to take me to task for some of my posts which they perceive as having an anti-Christian bent to them. And this note is how I came up with the title for my post in which they said "you live in a Christian country. Deal with it."

At the moment I am going to be kind. I will not publish your name or email address. I will not even share the name of your blog. But I will remind you again that you and I live in the United States of America.

Here in the USA we haven't yet established a theocracy. There is no dictatorship and there is no state religion in spite of the misguided attempts by some to say otherwise.

I am opposed to prayer in school, mounting the Ten Commandments in public (read taxpayer funded) buildings and other activities that violate the separation of church and state. I believe that it is possible for the majority to terrorize the minority and that what makes us work is a law that is blind to religious affiliation.

You cannot bully me into your small minded interpretation of how life should be. You cannot shout so loudly that I forget that I have the same rights as you do.

My response to you is that you live in a democracy that has no official state religion, deal with it.

Grow up and understand that it is a big world out there and even though you may not agree with everything that happens you do not have the ability to cry your way into changing it.

Do us all a favor and channel that anger into doing something positive like cleaning the beach, teaching people how to read or clothing the poor and homeless.

See you around the blogosphere.


dorothy rothschild said...

Amen, Brother Jack!

Topwomen said...

jack, this guy/gal doesn't speak for all Christianity, thankfully!

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

I always hate it when someone go straight for the line, "if you don't like it, leave the country." That's not the answer. The United States is different because we do have free speech, civil liberties and are able to fight through our legal and political systems to make changes. Not to leave the country if we don't like or agree with it.

It's so ironic that the same people who often say these things, are the "proud Americans" the proud "Patriot". They don't see the irony in what they are saying and professing to. Remember the word Freedom. Remember the word Free Democracy. According to them, that's why it's ok to fight in foreign wars, to continue to do business and have American presence in countries with poor human rights and environmental abuses.

Sorry, I will get off my soapbox now.

Anonymous said...

You cannot shout so loudly that I forget that I have the same rights as you do.

Striking and profound.

have popcorn will lurk said...

I would respond:

My thoughts are being posted to a blog that is not governed by the laws of the United States of America. Deal with it!

Jack Steiner said...

Thanks DR.


I didn't think so.


I hear you sister.




Get 'em.

yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

Hello Jack's Shack,

The question for me at this stage of our communications is: Are you a Born Again believer in Jesus Christ?

That's if you wish to reply of course.


Jack Steiner said...


Not in the slightest.

Anonymous said...

I have very long debates with people about this. They don't see the irony of proudly stating they live in a free country while trying to take away freedom from minority religions. And that is what the whole issue is. We have the protected right to practice the religion of choice.

yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

Hi Jack's Shack,

I'm glad you're a True Believer, for there are many who are not, even though they say they are.

Your statement here interested me.

"Anyhoo, I recently received an email from another blogger in which they tried to take me to task for some of my posts which they perceive as having an anti-Christian bent to them. And this note is how I came up with the title for my post in which they said "you live in a Christian country. Deal with it."

Have you ever wondered that they might not be Christians at all, just men and women of religion? Following Jesus Christ is not religion and most of mainstream Christianity is full of religion.

The Lord Jesus Christ didn't come to force belief in Himself on human beings, but to receive those to Himself that The Father had predestined and called. John 6:44.

You will find history is full of examples of people trying to force their beliefs on others. Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan supporters tried and failed miserably in the seventeenth century, even though their intentions were good. They just couldn't understand that the carnal mind of human beings is against God and cannot be anything but against God, unless God Himself changes that carnal mind to a Holy Spiritual mind.

If you speak The Truth you will always upset those who are not of The Truth. It cannot be any other way for they hated The Lord and they will hate us.


Jack Steiner said...


I am Jewish. I don't believe in jesus.

The Jewish Freak said...

My response to you is that you live in a democracy that has no official state religion, deal with it.

So well said. I couldn't have done better.

yes2truth: I wish that you would study the history of your own religion. Your claim that those who force their religion on others are not "christian" falls on deaf ears. The history of christianity demonstrates clearly that force has been the rule rather than the exception. If you don't believe me check out luther's later writings about the Jews. So either christianity really does wish to force itself on others, or there are very few "real christians". Either way, christianity does not appear to have been very successful.

yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

To Jack's Shack,

If you don't believe in Jesus Christ then you cannot be Born Again.

Salvation is through Jesus Christ and no one else.


Jack Steiner said...

Salvation is through Jesus Christ and no one else.

You are entitled to your opinion. I am not convinced that there ever was such a person and I certainly don't attribute any divinity to him.

But I am not worried about it as there are multiple paths to G-d. I know this as assuredly as your hold your own beliefs.

The Jewish Freak said...

yes2truth: One other important point: I understand that you have been taught since childhood to villify Pharisees, as you say "Roman Catholicism and its off shoots are led by modern day Pharisees", however, you must understand how offensive this is to Jews. You see, all modern day Jews are the spiritual (and probably biological) heirs of the Pharisees. All current religious Jews consider themselves to actually be Pharisees. "Pharisee" in the NT is just a code word for "Jew". If it were written today, it would probably be considered as hate literature.
And finally, you say "A final point - anyone who does violence in Christ's name is not a Christian - period". I guess that Martin Luther is not a christian because of the hatred that he incited against the Jews.

yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

To Jack's Shack,

The Truth is Jesus Christ is not an opinion.

The fact that you do not believe changes nothing, nor does it affect Jesus Christ, for you will know Him one day, but not necessarily in this age.

Romans 11:26 For all Israel will be saved.


The Jewish Freak said...

y2t: Yes, I understand those verses in John quite well. In fact many of my ancestors were killed and tortured as a result of them at the hands of "loving" christians. Yet jesus decided to speak them anyhow. Sorry dude, I'm not impressed.
BTW, have you read your own writing lately? You sound like a cult member anxiously spewing mindless memorized rhetoric.

Jack Steiner said...

The fact that you do not believe changes nothing, nor does it affect Jesus Christ, for you will know Him one day, but not necessarily in this age.

Blah, blah, blah. The fact is that you think that this might happen but you don't really know.

All of this rhetoric that you spout off is really kind of silly.

I can say similar things. How about this. Satan has intentionally blinded you to the true path which is why you are so misguided in your beliefs.

But G-d brought you to my blog so that I can set you free and cure you of this illness.

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it.

Jack Steiner said...

Here is a question for you: Were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel), Jews? If you think they were, prove it to me. Then we will see who is full of mindless rhetoric.


This is a foolish line of thinking. It is a game that allows you to change the rules at will. Any time you don't agree with something you just say that those people weren't Xtian.

Anyone can do that. You haven't any proof that jesus lived. You haven't anything that proves that he isn't part of some big fable, just faith.

And that is why religion can be so tough.

yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

To Jack's Shack,

Jesus Christ brought me to your blog to bring the message of The Truth to you for The Truth is Jesus Christ. The Truth that man cannot perfect himself by keeping The Law, for if we fail in keeping one tiny bit of keeping The Law, we fail in the whole of The Law. It is impossible for man to keep The Law and the Pharisees knew it, yet they paraded themselves as such and that is why Jesus Christ called them hypocrites and whited sepulchres.

This inability to keep The Law is what The Pharisees and Jews as a whole could not, and cannot, understand and refuse to accept the fact that they need a Saviour.

Jesus Christ said that unless our righteousness is superior to that of the Pharisees we cannot enter The Kingdom of God.

How is my righteousness superior to that of The Pharisees? I will leave you to answer this question.

If there were a whole library full of books proving His existence you still would not believe, but you will one day - maybe tomorrow or in a thousand years after the millenium - for it is God's will.


Jack Steiner said...


G-d just sent me an email. He says that I should humor you because you know not what you do or what you say.

Be well/

yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

To Jack's Shack,

I am not changing any rules.

I am asking you a straightfoward question which is a history based question and one that all so called Bible experts miss and fail to address.

Who was the forefather of the Jews? I am asking you if Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Jews. Now either say yes or no that's all it requires at this stage.


Jack Steiner said...


And I am saying that you aren't using logic or facts to make your case so we are at an impasse.

Stacey said...


Your words are wasted here. We Jews (Jack, Jewish Freak and myself) will never accept jesus. We'd sooner believe in the Tooth Fairy.

But your ramblings here mean that you are spending less time proselytizing to other Jews, so have at it.

You are obviously weak and searching. It would serve you better to find strength in yourself, rather than in fairy tales.

Bill said...

Yes2truth - Like you I claim to be a Christian. The whole argument that those that don't act as Christian are not Christians is a line of thought that Christians have been using for years as an excuse. You may be right on this point that the murderers of the Jewish people were not acting as Christians or in line with Christian teachings, but get a grip on reality, no one outside of your faith is swallowing the line, that they weren’t Christians.

Christianity is guilty Christ called us to strive for perfection, he wasn't naive enough to think we would attain it.“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of G-d” but I guess that all does not include Christians, or is G-d a liar? Oh, or do Christians miraculously stop sinning after accepting Christ’s teaching? There are many examples of how wrong that is, but oh yes then they aren’t REALLY Christian, by your interpretation. What a Christian should not do, or was called by Christ not to do, is not beyond the scope of what they have done. Many Christians need to stand up and say our church (meaning the body of Christians that make up the Church) has made grave errors that were not Christian, but to simply disown those that sinned in the name of Christ is just a way to say look how righteous we are. Bull we are guilty, so called "true Believers" as well..

Evangelicals like yourself are intolerant, inflexible, ignorant, hateful, and most offensively the worst salesmen of Christianity on the planet. Like I have said 10000000 times to people of your like, If you live as Christ calls you to you will make many more converts. Most of your unsubstantiated theology is so offensive to Jews that they are not going to listen besides who made you and yours the holders of the truth?

There are hundreds if not thousands of interpretations of scriptures that do not make the Jews the scapegoat of Mankind. We worship the same god. We believe in an extended version of Judaism. So to you it is appropriate to make them into the killers of Christ? Get it right, Mankind in general Christians and unbelievers Jews and Gentiles all had a hand in it. If Christ was alive today he would go after the Fundamental churches hypocrisy. They are today’s pharisees he would turn the light of conviction on those that were responsible for the faith so Christians would be the source of his concern now as the Pharisees were then. Christ said "forgive them father for they know not what they do." He wasn’t forgiving the Jews for crucifying him, he wasn’t directing his forgiveness to the Jews , he was forgiving mankind for the sacrifice he had to make. ( That is the Standard Christian interpretation)

I suggest you open your narrow mind and lay off the theology you know so little about. I would guess you learned most of it in Sunday school taught by unqualified teenagers, following a dogma created by your individual church.

Jack Shack knows I am a Christian he visits my Blog regularly and not once has he used the welcome I extend to him to belittle berate or attempt to convert me as you have done here, and I in return have never posted this sort of nonsense on his blog. This thread has not spread the word of Christ to the jews it has simply given them more reason to hate Christians. If G-d lead YOU to the Jewish Bloggers then G-d is a Sadist.

Evangelism is fine on the street in your churches by publications, but invading someone’s personal space to force Christ on him is the intellectual equivalent of a medieval Crusade and equally offensive. And what made you think Jack was a "True believer" thinking Jack to be Christian means you did not read his blog and thus you are blind to those you strive to convert. Ignorance breeds ignorance.

Jack and Jews in general.. from a large number of Christians we are sorry, for our sins against Judaism and most specifically that you had to endure yes2truth (who by the way really does not know the truth, as far as I am concerned.

Bill said...

Oh and for the record, to address Jack's original posting. The teachings of Christ IMHO seem to be to the individual not the political masses.

The idea of "render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars and unto G-D what is G-ds" (pardon the paraphasing I did not have time to look up the verse,) was IMHO Christ's way of saying don't mix politics with matters of personal faith.

so there it was right from the horses mouth so to speak.

The Jewish Freak said...

Bill: I found your comment remarkable in many ways. While you and I may disagree on certain matters of theology, I can tell from your words that we are both interested in making the world a better place. People like you reflect well on your religion and really do make the world a better place.

Stacey said...

Bill, I am touched and moved by your comments here. Thank yo ufor taking the time to put them down. I am so glad that Yes2truth is not indicative of mainstream Christianity.

You have done your religion proud.

StepIma said...

I think y2t summed it up perfectly when he wrote:

If you find the above offensive then so be it.

It doesn't matter whether you think Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Jews or not.

It doesn't matter whether you believe that Martin Luther, or King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, or Catherine the Great in Russia, and on and on were good Christians.

They believed they were, and believed as you do that Jesus was the light and the son of G-d and their salvation, etc etc etc.

Your belief system is THE SAME as theirs.

Our belief system is intact REGARDLESS of what you believe it to be.

Your Truth is not our Truth, no matter how firmly you believe yourself to be right.

Would you strap a bomb to yourself and blow yourself up because Jesus is the only way to salvation and that is the best way to get to heaven? There are Muslims who accept Jesus's place in history (after all, Mohammed came after Jesus), who also believe that Jews are misguided because Muslims alone know the only Truth. And that Christians are equally misguided for accepting Jesus and not realizing afterwards that they were following a false prophet when the real holy prophet, Mohammed, was revealed. And all they want to do is to teach YOU the error of YOUR thinking. And they are literally willing to die for their beliefs. So clearly their faith is stronger than yours. Don't you see?

And if you lived in one of their countries, you wouldn't be allowed to pray as you liked, or put up a Christmas tree, or let your wife dress in a way that she wanted - she would have to dress like a good Muslim woman - maybe even covered up to her eyes. Even if you were born there and had lived there all your lives. And if you didn't like it, well, you could finally realize how wrong you were and embrace Mohammed and your life would finally be happy - and why wouldn't you? After all, without accepting Mohammed as G-d's only prophet, you will be bound directly to Hell.

And if you don't like that, well clearly you're just a little whiner, and why don't you just leave the country you've always called home?

And that's why we celebrate living in a country that is committed to the separation of Church and State.

have popcorn will lurk said...

(The crowds are pumpin' the air with their fists and shouting "WOO!! WOO!! WOO!!")

Thank you, StepIma, for that dramatic and energetic slam-dunk! Who needs World Cup Soccer?

Because I need a breather while I pop some popcorn, I'd like to remind our audience, and in particular any Fundies lurking, that continued access to Christian holy sites, to Christians, depends on Israeli (read: Jewish) control, because if those sites fall into the hands of the Muslims (see: Jerusalem, 1948-1967), it ain't happening.

Now, anyone up for the hat trick?

Chana, sitting back, munching away

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Bill,

Thanks, I appreciate everything you said and FWIW, I don't think that he is representative of all Christians.

yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

To Bill,

I will answer each of your comments which I will enclose in quote marks.

You said:

"Like you I claim to be a Christian. The whole argument that those that don't act as Christian are not Christians is a line of thought that Christians have been using for years as an excuse."

I don't 'claim' to be a Christian. I am a Christian - period, because The Father called me to His Son, Jesus Christ, therefore it is God the Father who says I'm a Christian not me, so any claim I may or may not make is irrelevant, as is your claim.

I do not argue with people, I tell them and teach The Truth. The Truth is then either received or rejected by those I impart it to, as in Jack's Shack's case

As for 'Christians' Jesus Christ said "by their fruits you shall know them" and by their 'fruits' I do know them and there are no maybe's about it. If they do murder and violence in God's name then they are sons of the Devil and the Devil is their god - not God The Father, so spare me your liberal spin and carnal human reasoning.

"Christianity is guilty Christ called us to strive for perfection, he wasn't naive enough to think we would attain it.“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of G-d” but I guess that all does not include Christians, or is G-d a liar? Oh, or do Christians miraculously stop sinning after accepting Christ’s teaching?"

Christian religionists are guilty, not Christians. You must learn the difference, for religionists are deceived and deluded and Christians are saved and therefore carry no guilt at all as they are freed from it.

The above comment also proves you have no understanding of Salvation and Grace; if you did you would know that those Born Again are perfect in God's sight through the sacrifice and resurrection of His Son - Jesus Christ.

I will let God's Word answer you, for you will no doubt reject what I say.

1 John 3:3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

1 John 3:6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

If you are striving, then you are doing it and you have no need of Jesus Christ. If you were a True Believer you would know that Jesus Christ achieved everything for you at the cross and in His resurrection. Furthermore, if you are doing it in the knowledge that He has done it all for you, then you are trampling all over His sacrifice and are in dangerous waters. I suggest you read Galatians and take it on board. For it would seem that you have been waylaid by your Jewish 'friends'.

"Evangelicals like yourself are intolerant, inflexible, ignorant, hateful, and most offensively the worst salesmen of Christianity on the planet. Like I have said 10000000 times to people of your like, If you live as Christ calls you to you will make many more converts. Most of your unsubstantiated theology is so offensive to Jews that they are not going to listen besides who made you and yours the holders of the truth?"

I am not an evangelical nor am I anything you can pidgeon hole, I am a follower of Jesus Christ and have no need of your man made labels. Save them for the people who want to be known by them - you know, those men of religion who keep their Sabbath days on Saturday and Sunday and strive and struggle to keep the Ten Commandmants.

I will say it again, for you seem to be slow to learn. Jesus Christ came to be an offence - a stumbling block for The Jews - the religious and legalistic and foolishness to the Greeks - the academics and intellectuals or 'clever' people of this world. Men hated Him, so you will hate me unless you are of Him.

Now Bill, which are you or are you a miry mix of both?

"There are hundreds if not thousands of interpretations of scriptures that do not make the Jews the scapegoat of Mankind. We worship the same god. We believe in an extended version of Judaism. So to you it is appropriate to make them into the killers of Christ? Get it right, Mankind in general Christians and unbelievers Jews and Gentiles all had a hand in it."

The Truth is not an interpretation. Interpretations are of men. The Truth is the Truth is Jesus Christ is The Way is The Light is the I Am. I tell you The Truth and you do not believe me, for you would rather believe a lie.
Nowhere have I said that the Jews killed Jesus Christ - all of mankind killed Jesus Christ.

If you believe in Judaism then you do not worship the same deity as me. I worship a Godhead of two personages - Jesus Christ and the Father - The Holy Spirit is their power, not a personage of a trinity.

Jews and Islamics believe in one god and there is only one singular god and that god is the Devil. I have already quoted John 8 where Jesus Christ tells the Jews that their father is the Devil. The Jews of today are no different to the Jews of the first century. Jesus Christ was God and was with God in the beginning, they have both always existed so God is not one god and never has been one god.

"I suggest you open your narrow mind and lay off the theology.

As a Judaiser I would suggest it is you who has the narrow mind combined with Spiritual blindness.

"Jack Shack knows I am a Christian he visits my Blog regularly and not once has he used the welcome I extend to him to belittle berate or attempt to convert me as you have done here, and I in return have never posted this sort of nonsense on his blog. This thread has not spread the word of Christ to the jews it has simply given them more reason to hate Christians. If G-d lead YOU to the Jewish Bloggers then G-d is a Sadist."

If Jack's Shack 'knows' you are a Christian then he is more deluded and deceived than you are. If as you say you are an adherent of Judaism then you are not a Christian - it's impossible as it is a total contradiction and a blasphemy.

God is not a sadist, for when Jesus Christ called the Pharisees hypocrites, nests of vipers and whited sepulchres, He was loving them, just as I am loving you by calling you a Judaising blasphemer. These names do two things 1)let you know that you are on the wrong path and 2)When you stand before God you will have no excuse, for you will have heard The Truth and rejected it and He will remind you too - make no mistake!

"Evangelism is fine on the street in your churches by publications, but invading someone’s personal space to force Christ on him is the intellectual equivalent of a medieval Crusade and equally offensive. And what made you think Jack was a "True believer" thinking Jack to be Christian means you did not read his blog and thus you are blind to those you strive to convert. Ignorance breeds ignorance."

As far as I am concerned blogs are public space not private space. If someone puts out an opinion on a blog, he or she wants the whole world to see it and read it. This blog was listed under Christian Blogs so I came here. If you have a complaint then take it to Blogger not me.

"Jack and Jews in general.. from a large number of Christians we are sorry, for our sins against Judaism and most specifically that you had to endure yes2truth (who by the way really does not know the truth, as far as I am concerned."

At the time of Christ's crucifixion the Jews shouted out loud "Let His blood be on our own heads and on our children's." Now the question you have to ask yourself Bill, is this, did God answer this foolish outburst? I don't know the answer for sure, perhaps you do.


Jack Steiner said...


You remind me of Pat Robertson. I'll let others get upset about your words because you come off as bad caricature.

As I said before it is easy to dismiss someone and say that they are blind to the truth.

It is the coward's way out.

yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

To Bill...

and for your information to help you repent.

Deut 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD (Eternal and self-existent) our God (translated from Elohim which means plural) is one (unified, united and number one) LORD:

"The Lord Eternal" - The Godhead is self existent and has always existed even before anything was created.

"Our God" - from the Hebrew Elohim which is plural of Eloha, if God is 'one' then Moses would have written Eloha not Elohim and he should know he met God on more than one occaision. The fact that the Godhead is more than one and is actually two - Jesus Christ and The Father, proves the error of Judaism and their mono-theism.

"is one" - The word 'one' here means primarliy Number 1 hence The Godhead is first - number one and there are none above The Godhead. 'One' can also mean united or unified as one in their likeness of mind and in their total agreement on everything. They are two personages not one personage for the reasons already explained.

This is why I do not believe in the god of The Jews and why I have supported what Jesus Christ said to the Pharisees in the first century in John 8:37-45.

Do you truly understand those scriptures, for I have said nothing different? This in turn means, that you are not at odds with me but rather with Jesus Christ Himself.

Yes, Christ was a Jew - a Royal Jew, not a Canaanite Jew - there's a difference. Do you know why He grew up in Samaria in Nazareth and not with the Jews in Judea? He lived amongst Samaritans not Jews. When He started His work in ernest, He was initially rejected by His own - The Jews, including His own family i.e. His siblings.


yes2truth aka Charles Crosby said...

To Jack's Shack,

I have seen Pat Robertson give the sign of The Devil i.e. the raised index finger and little finger. So we know who he serves!!

Now this could mean he is also a member of Skull and Bones, for both Clinton and Bush use this signal.

Now there's something to think about.


Lady-Light said...

Jack, I beg to differ with you (well, I don't actually BEG). This country is not officially a Christian country, true; but it was founded on Christian principles based on the Old Testament, better known as the Torah - and in effect, by the holidays it practices and observes nationally - it IS a Christian country, with a little paganism thrown in for good measure, i.e.,Halloween. Christmas is a Christian holiday, regardless of the commercialism and Northern fairy tales (santa), and Easter is as well, those two major holidays being the supposed birth & death of the Christian 'saviour'.
So, I tend to agree with the blogger who said 'this is a Christian country, deal with it'.
Oh, and btw I am in favor of having the Ten Commandments posted on Government buildings. They are MY TORAH'S laws.

have popcorn will lurk said...

Check out this website.

"Beginning with the Mayflower, over the next twenty years, 16,000 Puritans migrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and many more settled in Connecticut and Rhode Island. Like their cousins back in England, these American Puritans strongly identified with both the historical traditions and customs of the ancient Hebrews of the Old Testament. They viewed their emigration from England as a virtual re-enactment of the Jewish exodus from Egypt. To them, England was Egypt, the king was Pharaoh, the Atlantic Ocean was the Red Sea, America was the Land of Israel, and the Indians were the ancient Canaanites. They were the new Israelites, entering into a new covenant with God in a new Promised Land. Thanksgiving -- first celebrated in 1621, a year after the Mayflower landed -- was initially conceived as day parallel to the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur; it was to be a day of fasting, introspection and prayer."

My FAAAAAAVORITE part of this article - way at the bottom -

"So popular was the Hebrew Language in the late 16th and early 17th centuries that several students at Yale delivered their commencement orations in Hebrew. Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Brown, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Pennsylvania taught courses in Hebrew -- all the more remarkable because no university in England at the time offered it.

"Notes Abraham Katsh in The Biblical Heritage of American Democracy (p. 70):

"At the time of the American Revolution, the interest in the knowledge of Hebrew was so widespread as to allow the circulation of the story that "certain members of Congress proposed that the use of English be formally prohibited in the United States, and Hebrew substituted for it."

CAN YOU IMAGINE?! How DO you say "You Live In... The USA! Deal With It!" in Hebrew?!

Jack Steiner said...

Oh, and btw I am in favor of having the Ten Commandments posted on Government buildings. They are MY TORAH'S laws.


You are entitled to your opinion, but you do realize that the aseret dibrot are not always translated into English the same way we would do it.

More importantly there may be a heavy christian influence but it doesn't change the Constitution or the interpretation of that.

The best way to protect us all is to see that the separation of church and state remains.

Still Here

 I am still here even if I publish at a snail's pace. I am still here even if these posts aren't quite as random as they once were. ...