Don't Say This At a Funeral

When consoling a grieving widow try not to say "harei at mekudeshet li*" when what you really meant to say is "HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim.**"

Not that this has ever happened to me, I am just saying you might want to try and avoid it.

(*Part of a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony. In English it translates something like this: "You are betrothed to me."

**This is a traditional line said to try and comfort mourners at Jewish funerals. In English it translates something like this: "May the Omnipresent comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.")


AS said...

Did you know someone who did?

Ezzie said...

OMG... I can't imagine that happening. That's too horribly hysterical.

Soccer Dad said...

May I also suggest that if you get Sheva Brachos at a wedding don't say "...asher yatzar es ha-adam b'chochmo..." but rather "...asher yatzar es ha-adam b'tzalmo..."

tafka PP said...

SoccerDad- that's HYSTERICAL!

Grr. Now that I've read your post, Murphy's law dictates that this will definitely happen to me one day. Oh well, I'll just blame you when it does, I'm sure *everyone* will understand!

Actually I always get that sentence wrong anyway, I prefer the Sephardic version "Tenachem MeHashamayim"- two words, much more difficult to confuse!

Jack Steiner said...


If I said that might be characterized as loshon hara and we wouldn't want that, would we.


It is worth a chuckle.



Soccer Dad,



Murphy's Law is a pain in the ass, isn't it.

Elie said...


It would only be lashon hara if you told who said it - no? But did someone actually say it? How mortifying!

Jack Steiner said...


They might have and then again maybe they didn't. Just covering my bases here. :)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .