The Sopranos- Season Finale

While it was enjoyable, I didn't find it particularly satisfying. They are still muddling around trying to figure out which storylines they are going to follow. It is a challenge that all successful shows face, but some really blow it.

The Sopranos wasted a few seasons this way. I hope that the final eight episodes give a little more back and provide a little more satisfaction.


Anonymous said...

I'm actually thinking about watching The Sopranos for the first time ever (Netflix) soon. Worth it?

Jack Steiner said...


Yes. I think that it is.

George Berryman said...

Sandra - yes the entire series is definitely worthy of your attention. Every series has one or two bad seasons depending on its length - season six was that season for the Sopranos. Everything before this season? Fantastic :)

Elie said...

Most of the reviews were disappointed in "Kaisha", but I liked it b/c I didn't think of it as a finale. The season (and series) will be concluded with eight additional episodes in January. [For the Sproanos, a six-month break is like a two-week break for any other series!) If you think of this as a mid-season episode rather than a finale, it had plenty of meat.

Jack Steiner said...


That is true, but something was missing for me. It was like a meal where one of the key spices was left out.

It was good, but not quite what I was hoping for.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .