I am Rich Again- How Much Luck Do I Deserve

Sometimes I just cannot get over how lucky I am. You may recall that last year I was the recipient of good fortune and was given a small fortune. It seems that lightning strikes twice. Earlier today I received the following letter:
TEL: +228-939-90-66.
Dear Jack's Shack
I am MR.SHOLA RHODES,one of the Directors in charge of
Auditing and Accounting section International
Commercial Bank in West Africa and also Chairman of
Investigating and Auditing Department of this Bank.
With due respect and regard, I have decided to contact
you on a Business Transaction that will be very
beneficial to both of us and our families in future.
During our Investigation and Auditing in this Bank, my
department came across a very huge sum of money
belonging to one Deceased Mr.Larry Baldridge Jr,of
Fairbanks, Alaska America who died on January 31st
2000 with Alaska Airlines Flight 261.You can as well
confirm it by yourself through under stated Website of
the incident
and if you want to know more about the man himself,
you can check
As the fund has been dormant in his account with this
Bank without any claim of the fund in our custody
either from his family or relation
because he did not indicate any next of kin to this
account incase of death such as these.
Although personally, I keep this information secret
within myself and partners to enable the whole plans
and idea be profitable and successful during the time
of execution.The said amount is U.S $12.5m (Twelve
Five Million, five hundred thousand United States
Dollars).As it may interest you to know, I got your
impressive data or information through internet
explorer web site where you registered your name
with all your information.
Meanwhile as a Senior Staff in this bank, and the
Director of Auditing and Accounting section, I have in
my possession all the necessary documents to perfect
this deal by making you the bonafide next of
kin/Partner whom this money will be transferred into
your account.I need your assistance and co-operation
to get this deal done.Because as a foreigner, you
stand a better position to be presented through
documentation as the next of kin/Partner since the
deceased is also a foreigner,this is the reason why I
could not do this deal alone as a Togolise and a
Blackman as well.I will not fail to inform you that
this transaction is 100% risk free.
On smooth Conclusion of this transaction, you will be
entitled to 35% of the total sum as ratification,while
1% will be set aside to take care of expenses that may
arise during the time of transfer and also telephone
bills, while 64% will be for me and my partners.
Please, you have been advised to keep this "Top
Secret" as we are still in service and intend to
retire from service after we conclude this deal with
And I assure you that this transaction will not last
more than 10 working days and you confirm the money in
your account.I will be monitoring the whole situation
here in this bank until you confirm the money in your
account. And ask us to come down to your country for
subsequent sharing of the fund according to
percentages previously indicated and further
investment,either in your country or any country you
advice us to invest in.
All other necessary vital information will be sent to
you when I hear from you.I suggest you get back to me
as soon as possible stating your wish in this deal.I
am expecting your urgent reply as soon as you receive
this message,God bless you.
NB:please reply through this email:sholarhodes@yahoo.co.uk

I contacted Mr. Rhodes and asked him what he needed and received the following reply.
Dear Jack Shack

It was a great pleasure seeing your response to the
mail I sent to you. I want to let you know that I have
concluded to work with you in this issue hoping that
both of us will be able to work together in truth and
in spirit. I will now give you more comprehensive
details as regards to this issue but before I do that,
I will tell you more about myself.

I am Mr. Shola Rhodes, I live on no. 21 Ogui De caise
off Fiano Kossi Lome-Togo. I am married to a lovely
wife and blessed with two children,one boy and
a girl. My wife Mrs Kechi Rhodes is a nurse and works
with the General Hosipital here in Lome.

Please understand that there is no atom of risk
invloved in this transaction because
I'm one of the Directors in charge of Auditing and
Accounting section International Commercial Bank in
West Africa and also Chairman of Investigating and
Auditing Department of this Bank.
whosoever that forward the informations to the bank
that will be approved as his legitimate next of kin.

My major concern is that you in return should not
double-cross me at the conclusion of this transaction
based on the fact that the bank will deal directly
with you but I will always be there to give you
instruction on what to do or say at any given time
until the conclusion of this transaction.

What I am asking you do is to stand as next of kin to
Mr.Larry Baldridge Jr and put claims to the fund he
left behind with the FINANCIAL Bank Lome-Togo
instructing them to release and re-transfer the fund
into your nominated account immediately.

On the reciept of your next mail indicating your
sincere willingness to work with me, I will
immediately forward the informations you in other to
forward it the bank as a relative and next of kin to
Deceased person Mr.Larry Baldridge Jr.

Be advised that as soon as this is done, I will send
to you a specimen of the text of application letter
which you will retype and send to the bank puting
claims to the fund.

It is very important that you call me on my direct
line +228-939-90-66 for further discussion and I will
also appreciate if you will include your telephone Fax
numbers in your next mail so that I can always reach
you as will.
This is the reason why I could not do this deal alone
as a Togolise and a Blackman as well.I will not fail
to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free

On smooth Conclusion of this transaction, you will be
entitled to 35% of the total sum as ratification,while
1% will be set aside to take care of expenses that may
arise during the time of transfer and also telephone
bills, while 64% will be for me and my partners.
Please, you have been advised to keep this "Top
Secret" as we are still in service and intend to
retire from service after we conclude this deal with

And I assure you that this transaction will not last
more than 10 working days and you confirm the money in
your account And ask us to come down to your country
for subsequent sharing of the fund according to
percentages previously indicated and further
investment,either in your country or any country you
advice us to invest in.I wait your urgent response.

Best regards in anticipation of your co-operation.

I am sending the following response:

Dear Mr. Rhodes,

I too was very pleased to see your response and quite excited to help you in this matter. I think that the best way to handle this is to send your correspondence to me via post to my family business. My uncle J.Edgar has the perfect placea as he is the owner of the company. Please send all materials to:

Mr. Jack Beh-Nim-Blay
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
(202) 324-3000

As they say in cleveland, I will await reception of these materials with baited breath and a worm on the hook.

Most sincerely yours,



Daled Amos said...

I've received 2 emails from Suha Arafat over the last couple of months. I'm waiting to get one from Hamas...

AbbaGav said...

You can take this a lot farther if you have the time and inclination. Well done though.

Pragmatician said...

well done, at least you won't be getting another email from that guy.
I love the way he paints a beautiful family portrait , one boy and one girl and a nurse as wife!Lovely!

Jack Steiner said...


Be careful. Pretty soon Suha will claim that you are poisoning the glue that seals the email shut.


That was a cool article.


I am curious to see what he does now.

Anonymous said...

Well blow me down, I got an email almost exactly the same apart from the names. Even the same address (different phone number) and even the lovely wife and two kids. Oh yeah and the wife working at the local hospital. This so called relation of mine had left even the same amount of cash. Now what are the chances. Mine was from a man claiming to be James Chrisantus. My reply to him was to contact my lawyer. Cant wait to see what he says to that and I also asked why was he using a yahoo email address instead of his company email account.
12+ million. wow that would have been nice though.

Jack Steiner said...


One day it will happen for all of us. Just ask Shola. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi there
I got the same mail that said almos the same thing. but i dont know if its scam mail. can u please tell me what happened then? what if i get the money? wil they pun me in jail?

Anonymous said...

i got nearly the same message today. I'm just asking: Why is he doing that?

K Chase said...

Me to my guy mr patrick fusseni same story line. Has anyone done this to the end? I know i sure wont be i dont need that large sum of money anyway ill wait till i win lotto thanks but very curious if anyone followed through to the end hope you didnt get done over.

Unknown said...

I just got a email

Still Here

 I am still here even if I publish at a snail's pace. I am still here even if these posts aren't quite as random as they once were. ...