Hard Working Actors

Since I mentioned a couple of actors in my last post I wanted to make one more comment about two in particular. These two actors have been in everything, or so it feels like to me.

Samuel L. Jackson

William Macy

If you take a look at their resumes you'll see that they have been in a ton of different flicks. Between them I suspect that they have worked with most of Hollywood.

Of course Honorable mention goes to Kevin Bacon and Paul Giamatti.


BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Both great actors indeed.

Thank you for stopping by my blog.

Amanda said...

great artists! i love the cooler. and sam jackson is just coolness personified.

cruisin-mom said...

Have you ever noticed that Jeremy Piven has been in almost every movie since the 80's?!!

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Barbara,

And thank you as well for coming by mine.


Sam Jackson has some kind of presence, doesn't he.

Cruisin Mom,

Piven and Cusack are friends from way back. Piven's parents run an acting workshop.


He certainly is right up there.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .