We're Getting Naked

Told the Shmata Queen that we're getting naked again a long while back and then repeated it a few times cuz I like sound of it.

Said "hey Queen, I'd like to feed you again among other things."

She didn't say yes and she didn't say no which some interpret as a definitive no and some as a maybe.

If they asked me what I really think I'd say you have to measure actions and talk about the complete lack of physical affection she has displayed towards me in public.

It could be that she doesn't want anyone to think anything, but that anyone could be me too. She might not want me to think anything is possible.

Except I don't believe that, not really. Because every time I figured all was done and nothing could ever be something happened.

So I figure I can't predict what will or want happen with complete accuracy, but if you said I'd see her on her back looking up at me or that both of my hands would be wrapped in her hair I'd nod my head.

It is not a guarantee but it is and that is because some connections don't sever or break, they are just muted.

So fuck if I know what to make or do with it. I have my thoughts and ideas but I am sharing all of them here.

Might share them in person, might not, My queen could decide to extend her hand and I might wait.

It is a game-time decision.

All I know is the woman is still damn sexy, but it is the mental/emotional side that really drives it all for me.

Different story that may or may not be elaborated upon, but probably not here.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .