Kiss A Girl

The twenty-something at the gym tells me wonders if I know what it is like to really kiss a woman.

I smile and ask how old this woman is.

"She is 23."

I smile back and say I know what it is like to kiss a woman and I know what it is like to kiss a girl.

We're interrupted by one of his friends and she tells me she wants to know something.

"At your age you really should be kissing a woman and referring to her as such. But that smile you just gave makes me wonder who you are thinking about."

I smile back and say that is my business.

"I almost want to ask you to tell me your story."

"I almost want to tell you, but I won't. It is not mine alone to tell. There is a woman involved and sometimes she would melt into me when I referred to her as my girl."

"You are really good at not giving answers but making people want to know more. Are you doing that intentionally?"


"Will you tell me if you are currently with her?"

"No, she isn't here with me."

"I don't mean here, are you presently with her?"

I smile and say the Shmata Queen is a part of past, around in the present and probably will be in the future.

"That still doesn't tell me anything other than you call her a queen, I don't know that other word. But I know every woman likes to be referred to as queen."

"That is the rumor."

"It is not a rumor. I want my guy to call me a queen. Are you going to answer the question?"

"Have I kissed her? Oh yeah, I have...more than once. I think she might have even liked it"

'I thought you said you aren't going to give me details.'

"I am not, but saying I kissed this girl isn't going to cause issues. It is not the story and therefore I don't worry about having to ask if I can share our story."

"Will you ever tell it?"

"Maybe I'll write a book or maybe not."

"She must really love you to put up with your refusing to share details."


"Damn, you still didn't give me anything to work with."

I just smile, pull a dumbbell off the rack and resume lifting.

The twenty-something tells me he is impressed by how I handled her and I say I didn't handle her.

"I didn't handle her. I just abided by an unspoken agreement not to kiss and tell. That is all."

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .