Hit And Run

I promised my girl the Shmata Queen that I would update more frequently and that it would include not just serious material.

I said it would be funny and that it would also include some beauty. Well I am short on time and that makes it harder to be funny so I'll opt to give you some beauty.

Are you ready?

The Shmata Queen is the beauty of this post. No snark or sarcasm included.

As for the serious, well let's say I had enough to last me a life time. Hell someone told me yesterday I am among the most serious people they know.

That sort of bummed me out because I want to be known for being easy going and light, not serious. Or maybe it would be more appropriate to say I want a mix of those things.

It is not horrible to be known as serious, but it is not all I am. Maybe it is because of my intensity because I am that.

But it is not all I am either.

Got to run to my seder, back at a later time. Chag sameach y'all, have a great Pesach!.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .