You Can't Always Get What You Want

"No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
And if you try sometimes you find
You get what you need"

Mick and the boys shared more than a little wisdom in that song but I cannot say whether it was done intentionally or not.

What I do know is that it ties into a life lesson I was taught my parents and have since passed along to my children. Life isn't fair. It never was and it never will be. You really can't always get what you want, but that is not the important part.

The important part is that last section "and if you try sometimes you find you get what you need." It ties into what I said about dreams requiring action. It is a reminder that the good things in life don't come for free but that doesn't mean that you can't get them.

It is part of why I have taken action to make some of my dreams come true. It is part of why I decided to participate in Nanowrimo. I am trying to step up my game. I have stories to tell and books to write so I am making a push to make that happen.

If you want to share my adventure and be a part of the journey you can do so at Words Left Unspoken. The first step into the unknown and to a new future that remains to be written. See you there.

This is part of the Just Write project.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .