Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #8

2010 is the year of the daddy blogger and as such it is time again for the Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience. This is the 8th edition of our weekly series. A collection of posts from the unsung heroes of the parenting gang. Take a moment to read the posts the men have written and let them know that they are appreciated.

Special note, check out the M3 Modern Media Man Summit, a convention for men and dad bloggers. It sounds interesting to me.

Ed@Home Dad: Saturday Story Time (The Three Little Pigs, as told by Elle.)
Jack: I Don't Want To Be A Mommy Blogger
Cute Monster: Sesame Street Elmo’s Alphabet...
Real Dads Hangout: Fatherhood: A Complete Review of Fatherhood
Tessa's Dad: #Fatherhood Friday – My little toddler
The Daddy Files: What Kind of Dad Am I?
Always Jacked:Why I Took A One-Year-Old To Work
Mr. Storage's Closet: C25K Beginnings
Juggling Eric: A Prestigious Award
Luke, I Am Your Father:Hammering Man
Undad:On Dogs and Babies

Rebel Dad: 600,000 At-Home Dads in the UK
Sex and The Single Dad: Back in the game
Daddy Claxton:Week One Wrap Up of Announcing Modern Media Man Summit
Dad Is In The House:Friday Field Trip: Container Store
Dadwagon:A Week on the Wagon: Paparazzi Edition 
Almighty Dad: TV is a Waste of Time
Book Dads:Book Review – Sugar Milk: What One Dad Drinks When He Can’t Afford Vodka
Big Daddy Paul: Q& A Week 3
NY Dad: Rub-a-dub-dub, Mom, Dad and the Tub
The Fall of James:The Postman Rings Twice
Bruce Sallan: Faith -- It's Everywhere If You Look
And Triplets Make Six: Weasel Momma Book Club
Always Home and Uncool: Yes, I Know 'No' and Yes, That's Not 'No'
The Cheek Of God: Yes, I Know 'No' and Yes, That's Not 'No'
Canadad: Of jungles, dinosaurs and adventure
Dadvocate: Fatherhood Revolutions
Dad Revolution: Fathers Should Have A Voice in Today’s Society
Homemaker Man :A report from the Front: It's littered with kitties
Suburban Daddy: Take Your Child To No Work Day
Busy Dad Blog: To Rock
Back To Work Dad: Happy Earthday from Little Dude!
Dad-O-Matic :Where is my Hug?
Writer Dad: The Reality of Parenthood
Jack :Children and Playdates- Then and Now
The Good Men Project:Man-to-Man with Randy Strauss aka PRIMAL RAND
Modern Day Dad: "Is That $50,000-a-Year College Worth It?" Uh, maybe.
SAHDPDX: We need a clean up on the table Saw, Stat

That's it for now. This shouldn't be considered a complete list of the many fine daddy bloggers, but it does provide a small glimpse into our world.

If you like what you see here then please consider becoming a fan of the blog. Have additional questions/comments? Send me an email at talktojacknow-at-gmail-dot-com.

Prior Editions:

Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience
Festival of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part 2
Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part III
Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part 4
Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part 5
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #6
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #7


Ben said...

Again, a great list from some great bloggers. How can I get myself onto that list each time?

Anonymous said...

As much I fear the idea of adding to a reader that is already out of control, I must admit, I'm looking forward to exploring some of these blogs. Thanks for sharing!

Drew Gilbert said...

As a newb to the dad-scene, I appreciate the mention. Excuse me for a moment, while I go devour me some new-to-me dad content in the other blogs you've mentioned.


Jack Steiner said...


Sometimes I like to ask the Magic 8 Ball to answer the questions that make me crazy. Better ways exist to get what you want.


There are some wonderful men out there. Very cool and a lot of fun.


Welcome and enjoy.

Real Dads Hangout said...

Thanks for the link! Much appreciated and now I have to live to a standard I hope I can maintain!

Jack Steiner said...

RDH- Happy to have you.

Anonymous said...

I need to stop coming by and checking out these Festival of Fathers posts, I always leave with a bunch more blogs added to my already lengthy RSS feeder. :)

But they are so good, and such an awesome collection of posts. Thanks for putting them together, you can add me to the list of people that appreciate them.

Dad of Divas said...

Thanks for the shout out on a few of my posts! Very cool!

Pallywood Posts

 I think a bunch of the posts about Pallywood that have been written and or linked here have to be updated. Probably a bunch of bad links, k...