Gaza Update #7

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft."-Theodore Roosevelt

Welcome to another edition of updates on the War in Gaza.

Previous editions of the round up can be found below:
1* 2 *3* 3.5* 4* 4.5* 5* 5.5* 6*6.5

And now on to the round up:

The New Republic features Hamas is a Taliban State.

The Cyberspace wars continue as YNET has been hacked.

CNN reports Bush blames Hamas for Gaza conflict.

Reuters reports the obvious Hamas warns it is ready to confront Gaza invasion. JPost offers Hamas: We foiled an attempted entry of IDF soldiers into Gaza.

Also on Jpost Mashaal: Black fate awaits IDF in Gaza.

Fox has Son of Hamas Leader Gives Glimpse Into Terror Organization.

The Tehran Times says Iranians volunteer to fight to death for Gaza.

At the Irish Times you can read Israeli leaders fighting a war within a war.

From Globe and Mail we have Pathless in Gaza.

The Salt Lake Tribune has news and analysis about civilian casualties during war. You can find it here.

Charles Krauthammer wrote a column called Moral Clarity in Gaza.

Dershowitz in the Wall Street Journal: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

Mark Steyn: Gaza has its version of rocket scientists.

From the blogosphere

Jameel and Aussie Dave are still liveblogging the conflict.

Jewlicious has A Message of Peace to the People of Gaza from the People of Israel and Scenes from the Gaza Concentration Camp.

A Soldier's Mother writes about the fear she feels for her son's safety here.

Israel Matzav says that Livni has a blog but it is only in Hebrew. He also discusses the need for the Israeli Foreign ministry to hire more English speaking bloggers to write for them.

The American Power Blog discusses Richard Falk and the Left's Construction of Gaza.

Bloodthirsty Liberal writes Fatah, Hamas, Enemies.

Hugh Hewitt has a list of the Hamas Arsenal.

From The Other McCain 'We will remain on the path of jihad until the end of days'.

Gateway Pundit Pro-Hamas Protesters in Florida Tell Jews: "Go Back to the Ovens" and Terrorists Launch Missiles At Israel From UN School in Gaza (Video).

Solomonia shared And...Gang Rampage in London...

Jules Crittenden wrote We Regret to Inform a post that covers a variety of topics including suggested reading, and comments about some of the IAF bombing runs.

Jill from Writes Like She Talks wrote Gaza and Israel: Reflections and resources.

Firedoglake has one of the most egregious cases of misunderstanding, mischaracterization and obfuscation of the truth in a post they call: “The Associated Press Translation Guide for Gaza.”

Mere Rhetoric's post Temporary Israeli Restraint Won't Buy It International Legitimacy. Don't Be Stupid. makes sense to me.

The Infidel Bloggers alliance has an opinion about invasion: Israel Should Not Invade Gaza.

Phyllis Chesler discussed The Fourth (Islamist) Reich in America: “Attack” Protesters On the Move.

This concludes update number 7. Stay tuned for more.

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