No Sukkah Sam This Year

The post below is a retread from a few years back. I thought about it because this year there will be no sukkah in my backyard. Fortunately there are about 25 within walking distance so we will not be sukkah deprived.

Years ago I encountered Sukkah Sam. He is the man that would have put Ted and Soccer Dad to shame because he could put a Sukkah up in minutes. It was a beautiful structure and something that we enjoyed immensely.

I cannot tell you much about Sukkah Sam because my memory has gotten fuzzy with time it is almost 30 years since I last saw him and for all I know he was the father of a friend dressed up as a Sukkah builder. Still I remember it well.

Every now and then when I come across photos or film footage of the Amish building a barn I remember my experiences with Sukkah Sam, the Sukkah building man.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .