A Fine Sunday Night

It is just myself, a cold beer and The Lakers tonight. A mighty pleasant way to spend an evening.


Anonymous said...

Wow -- you're having a beer with the Lakers?! That is so cool! How did you manage it? Do you think you could introduce me? Although, if I could have a beer with anyone I think it would have to the the Green Bay Packers cause I've always loved them and ...

Say what?

never mind

Jack Steiner said...

How did you manage it?

Quite handily.

Anonymous said...

Jack -- you just took me off guard. You have a revolving ad on the right hand side of your blog that was flashing "Aliyah News Flash" and it startled me because my niece's name is Aliyah and I just finished three blog posts about her. For a briefly paranoid moment I thought I was being followed.

Silly me.

Jack Steiner said...

I'd take you off the dribble. Sorry, still watching bball.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .