The Return of Audioblogging?

I have been searching for a good alternative to the old Blogger AudioBlogging service. Here is a test post for your enjoyment.


FlutePrayer said...

Audioblogging - YES!!!

My brother uses Grand Central to ring all of his phone numbers (work, home, cell) at once and he is very happy with it.

Jack Steiner said...


I have heard good things about it. Waiting to see what I think of it.

orieyenta said...

WOO HOO! Just what this shack needed. :)

Shira Salamone said...

I listened to this at home last night--naturally, I don't have access at the office--and checked that website. Pardon the typical dumb question from Ms. Tech-Challenged, but how on earth does one create an audioblog using a, er, web-based telephone switchboard?

Jack Steiner said...




I sent you an email about this.

Shira Salamone said...

Thanks. I'll check it out when I get home.

Batya said...

Never thought of it. I guess, if I was to choose between audio and visual, I'd take the audio, since I'd still be able to blog in my bathrobe at 5:30am.

Jack Steiner said...


Since I started videochatting I have had plenty of occasions in which I realized the advantages of just dealing with words/audio.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .