The Shack Receives Hate Mail

There is nothing more loving than not one, not two but three different emails in which I am told that I am anti-Christian and a Zionist dog. Ok, they didn't all say the same thing, but the general sentiment of love for dear old Jack was there in all of them.

If I am not mistaken my pal The Atheist Jew gets mail like this.

It is good to be loved.


Baconeater said...

Yep, I get emails too. I have the Godless thing going for me too so I attract both Joooo haters and crusaders.

Deadman said...

Put 'er there, Jack! Welcome to the club!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Hate mail. You Have Arrived.

The Babka Nosher said...

Do zionist dogs shed?

Kol Ra'ash Gadol said...

Anyone who says anything interesting gets some eventually. Take it as a good sign.

Jack Steiner said...


It has been a while since I got anything this exciting. Fun stuff.


Don't forget the secret handshake.


Actually, I had gotten some before. One of my favorites comes from this post.


We shed Shekels.


I do.

Deadman said...

Say, Beaj, can I pet your Zionist dog?


... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

Well Jack, I am sure, after my comments on PT's blog, I will now be thought of as a muslim loving, anti-American.

Btw, Did you hear about the dyslectic agnostic with insomnia?
He used to lay awake at night wondering if there really was a dog.


Jack Steiner said...


Deadman said...

Hey, Sweettooth -

Dogs Bless America, you know!

We're the ones who have to put up with them said...

What a compliment! Looking forward to my first hate mail...

Jack Steiner said...


Stay tuned. Sooner or later it will come. ;)

Jacob Da Jew said...

I'm upset..

I never get hate mail! Does that mean I "haven't arrived yet" ?

Jack Steiner said...

Could be. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .