My Latest Confession

Howdy folks. It is time for my latest confession. I shared an office for a number of years with someone who had a habit of talking to themselves. Let me clarify that, this person would type out emails while simultaneously reading them aloud.

I guess that I sat next to them for far too long because now I often find myself doing the same thing. I suppose that it is not such a bad thing to do. It has its uses. Talk out loud in public places and people will stay away from you, at least that used to be the case.

Now in the age of Bluetooth headsets that may not be true any longer. You can't go out in public anymore without running into people holding invisible conversations. Sometimes when I ride the elevator I stick a finger in my ear and pretend that I am holding on my headset and then I make all sorts of comments.
"You tell the boys back at Langley if they don't patch me through immediately there is going to be hell to pay."

"Hello G-d, It is me Jack. I'd like it very much if you could see that this elevator doesn't break again. The last time that happened I got stuck in here for six hours."

"You tell Spector that he owes me big for making that jury go crazy."
You get the picture. Anyway, the manifestation of the urge to speak out loud while I type probably has some sort of medical term. If you'll excuse me I am going to go search for it.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .