Ass Promotes Toilet Technology

This is one of the oddest ads I have come across.


Michael said...

For once, even I am speechless.

The Babka Nosher said...

Wow. No other words fit properly here.

Anonymous said...

but, but, but....

miriam sawyer said...

I want one. But if I had one, I would never want to leave home.

Kol Ra'ash Gadol said...

What I want to know is why there aren't more men's asses. Who the h*** want's to look at girl butt? Not me.

Deadman said...

"What I want to know is why there aren't more men's asses."

I don't think there were any men's asses.

"Who the h*** want's to look at girl butt?"

*Raising hand and waving it wildly in the air while screaming "ME!" over and over*

Yeah, who indeed??


Jack Steiner said...


It happens to the best of us.


I hear you.


Not punny. ;)


Look closer.


They have working models at the stores that sell them.


I'll pass that along to the ad agency. They like feedback.


What a shock. ;)

Deadman said...

Look closer.

Ah, no thanks...


Still Good

 I need to revisit this .