No Body Modification of My Uvula

Sorry, something is wrong with these people. I just don't get it.


We're the ones who have to put up with them said...

Okay, that's a new one. I thought I had seen every kind of piercing there was in Seattle!

Annie said...

While I'm not such a fan of the Uvula piercing, I have an "alternative" piercing, and I like it a lot. It all comes down to personal preference.

Deadman said...

"I just don't get it."

It's a tickler for deep-throat fellatio. Did you ever wonder what the barbell-through-the-tongue was for?

Jack Steiner said...


I can't say that I am surprised to see much of anything.


There is alternative and there is alternative.


Could be.

Deadman said...

I guess I was wrong. It was pure conjecture on my part. Except the part about the barbell. That is most definitely for stimulation during oral sex.

Michael said...

That's just wrong.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .