The Simpsons- Jewish Humor

Hat Tip: How Do You Jew.


Annie said...

Jack- this was all over the j-blogosphere a couple months ago. It even caused a debate about the portrayal of Jews in the media.

have popcorn will lurk said...

Never seen it. I was OK until I heard Fran Drescher and "I now pronounce you...". Ugh!

Yiftach said...

Huh. I wonder where you heard about this? :-)

Jack Steiner said...


I must have missed it.


What can you do.


I wonder. ;)

Deadman said...

I thought it was funny.

It's a parody of the fact that Jews, oppressed for so many years, might finally get5 a means to resort to the same tactics as their oppressors.

Of course, pointing out the reality makes us reverse discriminators, I suppose.

Oy gevalt, can't win for losing...

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .