A Note About Haveil Havalim

This is a general housekeeping note about Haveil Havalim #121 and submissions. Folks I very much appreciate your participation and am glad that so many bloggers are sending in posts for inclusion.

As a general rule of thumb I usually do not include more than two or three submissions from a single blogger. The purpose of the roundup is to showcase multiple blogs, not just a few. This time around some of you have gone overboard.

It is not just one or two. It is closer to ten or 12 of you have sent me between eight and 15 submissions. Other hosts may not care, but I do. I am not going to include 15 submissions from a single blogger. Not going to do it, isn't going to happen.

I respectfully request that you send me whatever you really want to be included. Otherwise I am going to just grab the first few and delete the rest. My time is limited and as I mentioned I try to get around to multiple blogs.

Good Shabbos to all.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .