It Wasn't The Best Disguise

With a headline like this I couldn't pass this up.

Man with panties on face attempts to rob W.Va. store

INWOOD, W.Va. (AP) — A thief covered his face with a pair of blue women’s underwear and used a pistol-shaped cigarette lighter in a botched robbery of a convenience store, police said.

“I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried,” State Police Sgt. T.C. Kearns told The Journal in Martinsburg.The cashier at first thought it was a joke and refused to give the man any money, so he ran to a Jeep Cherokee and drove away at about 4 a.m. Wednesday, Kearns said.

For the full story click here.


Richmond said...


Soccer Dad said...

Last week it was this:

Jack Steiner said...


You said it.


Oy vey.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .