What Is The Hardest Thing About Blogging?

What aspect of blogging do you find to be the most challenging. Is it coming up with new content, responding to comments etc.

Let me know. I am interested in hearing what you have to say.


Richmond said...

For me it's balancing the time I want to spend blogging and reading blogs with other things in my life.

Doing the laundry definitely takes a back seat. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I find responding to comments the hardest because you are writing stuff that you aren't sure anyone will ever read. It's hard to get worked up about it and do a consistently good job.

The Babka Nosher said...

For me, it's finding the balance between writing about my personal life and treating it like a diary. Even though I'm fairly anonymous, some people who know me do read my blog... I don't want them to come to my blog and find themselves reading a rant about something they did. Though it may feel pretty cleansing at the time I write it!

Jewish Atheist said...

The hardest part is tearing myself away from it. I find myself constantly checking for and responding to new comments when I should be doing other things. :-)

Paula said...

Taking a break from it. I'm totally obsessed!

Anonymous said...

To be able to spend the time I want to read all the great stuff that's out there. Jack that's my problem. Not enough time in the day. Problem #2 is dealing with trolls.

Lori said...

There is nothing hard about blogging, except maybe dealing with some of the technical issues which pop up from time to time. I'm not a techno guru, so these kinds of things take time to figure out. I like to rewrite stuff quite alot because I'm never quite satisfied with the way I've written something. I also tend to click "post" before I proofread and edit only after I post something, instead of "drafting" entries. Oh well. I don't have trolls anymore. Very rarely. I think I must be too scary :) LOL

Stacey said...

I don't have time to write all of the posts I want, to adequately answer the comments left on my blog, and to read my favorite blogs.

Lady-Light said...

The hardest thing about blogging, yes. . .(it's my bedtime, and I'm still here.) :-)

Anonymous said...

I always run out of time before I run out of ideas. So many stories, whether important or just entertaining … so little time to do justice to them.

Alan aka Avrum ben Avrum said...

Dear Jack,

Getting readers (of which I know I have plenty) to post comments. Perhaps it's the sensitive nature of most of my material,they think, discouraging them from writing a response. Perhaps they feel kind of uncomfortable with it, but I do and have encouraged comments before. Alas! Little or no success.

I remain,

Very Sincerely Yours,

Alan D. Busch

The Misanthrope said...

Making time to blog and check out others when I don't home until 8 or 9 pm and leave at 6:15 a.m.

Shifra said...

For me it's probably the public/private issue like babka nosher. I'm sometimes so tempted to write about everything that happens to me or whatever I'm thinking or feeling on the blog - but that's already gotten me in a bit of trouble here and there.

That, avoiding kvetching. Sometimes I just wanna kvetch but that's not really good reading so I try to keep it to a minimum.

Jack Steiner said...

I am going to offer a group response to your comments. Everything you have said here resonates with me.

It is a challenge to find the time to do this. I don't find it terribly difficult to come up with topics, but the time factor makes it hard to make the posts as good as I want them to be.

I sometimes find it hard to respond to all of the comments, but without them this place would be missing a vital ingredient.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .