Gaming The Ecosystem Part II

Last January I wrote a post called Gaming The Ecosystem. It was a fluff piece in which I mentioned how one might move up the food chain faster.

Well it seems that old NZ Bear's ecosystem has fallen prey to Global Warming as the darn thing hasn't been updated in months. And just when I had figured out how to try and jump up the ladder to become a Playful primate.



AS said...

Let's ban it!

Paula said...

LOL @ the above comment. I'm annoyed with the site cuz my inbound links are all wrong, but whatev. It's not like I paid them. I do wish they'd delete the whole thing if they're never going to update though.

Jack Steiner said...


I'll let you work out the details with that one.


I know, all my crap needs to be updated too.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .