Who Remembers Calculator Watches?

When I was in seventh grade I really wanted one of these. Never did get one.


Anonymous said...

Quality - the memories came flooding back! Hi from Dubai...the calcy watches were like playground currency and I was always one step behind as I proudly showed off my egg timer in 1979...

Keep up the good work blogger!

MUST Gum Addict said...

Ah yes.. and remember those number games those calculator watches had? I wanted one as a child. Thanks for the memory Jack.

Now all I need is my Coleco Football, my Toss Up (or Fireman Fireman), and my Commodore VIC-20 and I'll be all set....

Jack Steiner said...


Thank you.


Coleco Football- woohoo.

have popcorn will lurk said...

I could really use one right now because one or both of the kids took off with my calculator and I REALLY needed it this morning.

grumble grumble.

Jack Steiner said...


Again, operators are standing by. :)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .