Things Like This Always Happen To Me

I don't know about you but I strive to help all people. The first thing I do when I hear the sounds of trouble is grab my sword and run to do battle against evil doers.

OCONOMOWOC, Wisconsin (AP) -- A man says he broke into an apartment with a cavalry sword because he thought he heard a woman being raped, but the sound actually was from a pornographic movie his upstairs neighbor was watching.

"Now I feel stupid," said James Van Iveren, who has been charged in the case. "This really is nothing, nothing but a mistake."

According to a criminal complaint, the neighbor told police that Van Iveren pounded on the door and kicked it open without warning February 12, damaging the frame and lock.

"Where is she?" Van Iveren demanded, thrusting the sword at the neighbor, the complaint said. "Where is she?"

The neighbor told police Van Iveren became increasingly aggressive as he repeated the question, insisting that he had heard a woman being raped. The complaint said that, with the sword pointed at him, the neighbor led Van Iveren throughout the apartment, opening closet doors to prove he was alone.

The neighbor later played for police the part of the DVD he believed Van Iveren heard downstairs."

For the full story please click here.


Annie said...

It is so unfortunate that people often don't intervene (there are a couple famous cases of it) and when some guy does try to do the right thing that he's punished.

Jack Steiner said...

There is a lot of truth to what you say. Part of me does feel badly that he got in trouble for trying to help.

But the story still makes me chuckle a bit. It is like a scene from some crazy comedy.

Annie said...

I especially like the use of a sword. Nice touch.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I live right near Oconomowoc - and I have to read the story here of all places. Heh.

It's nice to know that chivalry isn't dead yet, anyway. :-)

Paula said...

So dumb. What if the other guy had a gun? If he was worried, he should have called the cops.

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

OMG ...that is really funny.

How bizarre - but at least he tried to do the right thing, unlike so many others who just look the other way.

Jack Steiner said...

It is something else.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .