Past Valentine's Day Posts

I know that it is a day early, but I figured that I'd share a short roundup of the crap I have posted about Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day Should Be Banned
Married for More Than 70 Years
Valentine's hype can force tough decisions
Random Babbling About Valentine's Day

The Couple That Pees Together
Stay tuned there may yet be another post.

And just for the hell of it here is a link to an old audio post. Ok, there seems to be some sort of problem with this post. I am working on solving the issue. Not really sure what is going on. If you want to go direct to the audio post you can try this link.

It is not that exciting, but if you are interested in listening to me babble about LA versus the midwest you might like it.


have popcorn will lurk said...

Same for Mother's Day and Father's Day - it was either Hallmark or the Post Office!

Valentine's Day should be renamed "One-Upping Your Co-Workers Day".

Sheyna said...

IMHO, Valentine's Day is a setup for failure. And just think, the abbreviation would be VD. ;-)

There's a ton of jokes here in MN: we have nine months of good weather and three months of really bad ice hockey. We actually have two seasons - winter and road construction. I particularly like the description of the Jewish community as the "Frozen Chosen."

Today it's practically balmy at 19 degrees F. As an ex-Californian, I can honestly say that I prefer MN to CA. By April, I *really* appreciate spring. And I'm a sucker for the change in seasons. (Northern CA had three seasons: rain, fog, and sun.)

'Course, I'm also a writer and we're all supposed to be a little bit unstable to begin with. ;-)

Jack Steiner said...




19 degrees. Feh.

Elie said...

As I wrote last year,
I am opposed to celebrating saint valentines day on religious grounds. But who am I to tell the Christians what religious holidays they should celebrate? They don't tell me how to clean for Pesach.

JT said...

Jack, I understand many of your concerns about V-Day. And, I am susceptable to your call for male solidarity. But, I still stick by my pro-holiday stance. I guess the key is for each person/couple to dictate how to use the occasion to enhance their day, and not let other people's expectations/conceptions of the holiday dictate it for them.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .