Random Babbling About Valentine's Day

this is an audio post - click to play

Ok, I just listened to this post and I sound absolutely ridiculous. I blame that in large part on my cellphone and my current connection which seems to be chopping this up into pieces. Feh.


Regina said...

Jack- I hate to admit this but this was the first audio post I clicked on. I have to say, I'm impressed! You have a very nice voice- and you're witty in person as well as in writing! Anyhoo- you're welcome to my little tropical paradise in Florida anytime- except tonight it's going to be in the 30's so I would wait awhile. I really don't have to much to say about the Valentine's Day thing, except my parents celebrate their anniversary on that date every year!

Stacey said...

I think a blog-jacking is in order.

MC Aryeh said...

Jack, every time you post an audio clip, I am surprised by how you sound - a very different voice than comes across on your blog. Both the audio and your writing are enjoyable though. Found myself chuckling a couple times during your monologue...

cruisin-mom said...

Jack, you have a right to your opinion about Valentine's day. Let's face it...it's a day for the guilty to spend lot's of money on someone they forget to pay attention to the rest of the year. If you have a valentine...it feels great. If you don't, the day sucks, and strictly because of all the hype. But it's good business for the candy industry, flower industry, card industry, restaurants, and lingerie. Hey everybody's gotta make a living!

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Regina,

Thank you. When I listened to this post I wasn't real impressed, I thought that I sounded a little silly.

As for Florida, I appreciate the offer but the 30s are still too cold for me. Burr.

Stacey- Why would you suggest that.


I am curious. Do I sound more confident/less confident. Doctor Bean thinks that I sound like Stacey, at least he said so on his blog.

Jack Steiner said...


Didn't mean to leave you out. There are more honest ways to make a living.

cruisin-mom said...

Actually Jack, I'm agreeing with you...I think it's a bunch of hype brought on by all those industries. My husband surprised me with a gorgeous dinner he cooked, last Saturday nite because I'd been gone all day doing a training...that's way better than a contrived valentine's day box of candy.

my word verification here is: fyuucim...hahaha that's too funny

MC Aryeh said...

I wasn't thinking in terms of confidence. You come across much more light-hearted and laid-back on audio. If Stacey were from California and a guy, I imagine you might sound like her...

Jack Steiner said...

So you think that Stacey sounds like a man. ;)

Stacey said...

You come across much more light-hearted and laid-back on audio.

Don't let his audioblogs fool ya! ;)

Anonymous said...

Okay I did it. I did what I said I'd never do. I listened.

Stacey...as opposed to a Jack Blogging??? LOLOLOLOLOL

Jack Steiner said...


Now don't you feel like a better person ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .