One Blogger's Confession Part 98,876

The rules of the blog are clear. This is a place for stark and brutal honesty. If I try to make this everything that I want it to be then I need to abide by the rules that I established for myself. OTOH, since this is my joint and I make the rules I can always change them.

My son has knack for changing the rules. He hates to lose. It is age appropriate. If you are really interested in this topic you can read more about it here as I think that I am going to focus on the topic of this post which is my confession.

And that confession has to do with comments. In an earlier post I admitted to being lurking challenged.
"I try to visit as many blogs as I can, but time is fleeting and it can be a challenge. Nevertheless I make an effort. I also make an effort to comment. I am not much of a lurker. I am "lurking challenged." Some of that is because I feel a bit of an obligation to comment and not be as voyeuristic as I could be by sitting in the background watching and waiting. You took the time the write so I'll take the time to remark is the unofficial motto."
I still try to abide by that. I like to show people that I have been by their blog by leaving a remark, but here is the thing. Sometimes I go to my default comment. What I mean by that is I leave some simple remark, two words like 'Nice Post' when I could have given them eight or ten.

Since Spring Training is on the horizon I'll go with a baseball reference. Sometimes I feel like a pitcher who has lost his fastball and is just trying to get through the inning. Instead of trying to fool the batter with a poor imitation of my heater I throw the change up. I try to avoid doing that as it doesn't really feel like the move of a crafty veteran.

So my promise to you is to try and do better. I'll try to leave you with more than the 'nice post' or 'well said' you have received. Or maybe I'll emulate my son and compose a post about the elegant simplicity of two word comments.

Wait and see.


Sheyna said...

Nice post. ;-)

It's truly hard to find time to work, be with spouse, family, children, attend to other obligations and responsibilities, clean, maintain the home, cook, have a social life (whatever that is), have some down time to avoid total insanity, sleep, eat, engage in various hygenic behaviors, blog, AND read other blogs and leave thoughtful on-topic comments. Assuming you do most of the above, I can certainly forgive the two-word comments or lurking. Though longer comments are always nice, too. :-)

Paula said...

Cool. ;)

Deadman said...

FWIW, "Nice post" sounds like comment spam.

"Nice post". I have more info at

Jack Steiner said...


Longer comments are something that I strive for. It is closer to my character.


Dude. ;)


It does sound like comment spam. Nice comment. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .