Same Sex Marriage Ban

Folks, I could go on about this for many hours. I could regal you with a lot of fancy prose about why this is a meaningless, nonsensical waste of time, but why.

The reality is that some people haven't got enough common sense to determine what is really important. They can't seem to understand that there are far more pressing problems facing us than being afraid of what happens in the bedrooms of America.

Little things like that war in Iraq, skyrocketing healthcare costs, deteriorating infrastructure in many cities, the homeless, a public school system that is still not getting the job done and so much more.

If you think that the end of civilization hinges upon whether two men or two women are allowed to marry you are in dire need of a boot to the head and a swift kick in the ass.

And even if this cockamamie ban was approved the so called offensive behavior would continue. This is a stupid waste of time and money.


The Town Crier said...

Its the name of the Bush game. Demonize someone or something to deflect attention. This week, it was the news of American soldiers killing 2 dozen Iraqi civillians and that major brawal between the US military and civillians in Afghanistan.

It doesnt matter if the demons are mexicans, reporters who talk about wiretapping, or gay people...

tafka PP said...

If you think that the end of civilization hinges upon whether two men or two women are allowed to marry you are in dire need of a boot to the head and a swift kick in the ass.

Over Pesach, my visiting Aunt informed me that the terror attacks in Israel were a punishment because of "The Gays" and the marriage bill.

Anonymous said...

As usual in politics some phony issue is brought out to distract people from the real problems. Remember the ban on flag burning? Same deal- there was no epidemic of that behavior in this country- it was just a bill that was introduced to make people who have common sense look bad.

The democrats ought to propose an amendment that would require burning at the stake (or something like that) for homosexual activity and let the republicans vote against it. They then could claim that the republicans weren't really against homosexuality - just to alienate the fundamentalists. Wacky but effective. Unless of course it would pass the senate. Then it would be wacky and insane.

DAG said...

The attention is brought on by the usurping of the people's will by the Courts. If the Courts hadn't intervened, there would be no need for a bill. I dont see you guys going nuts that Senate Bill S.442 was discussed for example (adding Homeland security chief to pres sucession) or S. 852 about asbestos claims.

have popcorn will lurk said...

Over Pesach, my visiting Aunt informed me that the terror attacks in Israel were a punishment because of "The Gays" and the marriage bill.

I thought only fundie Xtians like Pat Robertson believed that crap?

Jack Steiner said...


It is moronic.


There are times when my family makes me shake my head.


Wacky but effective- sounds like gov't to me.


WTF are you talking about. How about providing an example or two, something specific.

I dont see you guys

What guys? Who are you talking about?


That is the beauty of people. We all have our share of fundamentalist nonsense.

The Misanthrope said...

I agree with you 100%

Bill said...

"There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation." unforgettable words made famous by Pierre Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada) in 1967.

When will the political elite in the US catch up?

Bill said...

My Grandad always said that social progress lags behind technological progress.

We can put men on the moon, but we can't free thier minds.

We can choose from 1000 TV channels but we cannot choose who we will love.

Jack Steiner said...

It is a funny world and not always in the I am laughing with you kind of way.

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