Why Do You Blog?

Hello Dear Reader,

The question of the moment is simple. Why do you blog? What do you hope to accomplish and are you happy with it so far?


Irina Tsukerman said...

I don't think I'm hoping to accomplish anything in particular. I blog, therefore I am. (Ok, maybe not, but...) I blog, because it's a good way to gather up interesting or funny thoughts, to capture important moments, to discuss things with people I wouldn't have otherwise met, to practice my writing, to clear up my thought process, to... Oh, there's a million reasons, and they change every day.

MUST Gum Addict said...

I blog... because I can.

As for what I hope to accomplish, that would be the usual -- fame, fortune, and all that jazz... I'm not there yet, but things are looking good... ;)

dorothy rothschild said...

This is a question I have been asking myself lately. I don't know anymore. If I ever did.

The only reason why I continue to do it these days is because of the people I've gotten to know through it and it feels like I have friends keeping me company all day.

I would write anyway, whether there were people reading it or not.

Jack Steiner said...


I am sure.


A million reasons that change everyh day. That is a lot of reasons.


Works for me.

Sarah Likes Green said...

i like to share my pictures with the world :)

Jack Steiner said...

The only reason why I continue to do it these days is because of the people I've gotten to know through it and it feels like I have friends keeping me company all day.

I feel like that too.


Purses, bah.


There is probably no better way to share.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .