She Had a Boy

What do you do when the baby has a baby. Ok, she and her twin would both be irritated to read this as they are now 32. How did that happen? Ok, don't answer that, I know how it happened but I find this to be so surreal.

My nephew joined us all on his own schedule. There is something fitting about that as in my family we all have a way of doing things a little bit differently. My poor sister was in labor for 2,987,600 minutes and 30 seconds. Ok, I exaggerated a little, but if you ask my sister she'll tell you that it wasn't by much.

She was in labor for hours but the little fella decided that he liked his home and refused to disengage. Eventually they had to perform a C-Section and now with much thanks we have a healthy baby and healthy mother.

As for this proud uncle my head is spinning. I remember the day that my parents brought her and her twin sister home. I cried. I already had a sister and wanted a brother. My father loves to tell that story.

A little while after the birth I called G and left him a message. The twins were just a few months old when he and I met. He watched them grow up and feels rather protective of them.

Back to the present day. I think that the BIL has finally stopped shaking. He is a good guy, but I don't think that he really understood what he was gettting himself into. Life just smacked him in the mouth and kicked him in the ass and then for good measure it shook him.

When I last saw him he was walking around in a daze. I am a little concerned but not too worried. He'll be ok. He and my sister have a ton of help.

That's it for now. As the eldest uncle I have some family obligations to take care of. Be back later to respond to more comments.


Tamara said...

Mazel Tov! You think his head is spinning now? Wait till the bris! :)

cruisin-mom said...

Congrats Jack: being the aunt or uncle is the BEST!!! (always have gum)

Jack Steiner said...


You said it.

Hi Randi,

Thanks, I appreciate it.

westbankmama said...

Mazel Tov - I'm sure you will have a lot of parenting advice when needed.

StepIma said...

Mazal Tov!!!

Anonymous said...

Mazel tov!

Jack Steiner said...

Hi WBM, Seawitch and SI,

Thank you all.

Irina Tsukerman said...

Mazal Tov! Sorry I couldn't comment earlier, Blogger was down. : )

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Irina and Elster,

Thank you.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .