I Miss Sharon

I miss Sharon. I didn't always agree with his policies. I didn't always agree with how he went about his business, but I always respected him.

I never worried about his doing things for political gain because in my mind he was always representing what he thought were the best interests of Israel.

I miss Sharon because he was part of that generation that helped to build the state. He was part of the generation that was a witness to everything.

He exuded a certain sense of calm and confidence that was reassuring.

We'll never know what else he would have done. We'll never know what the final stages of his career would have been because they were cut short. They might have been filled with might and majesty or they could have been folly. We'll never know.

All I know is that I miss Sharon.


Ezzie said...

I never worried about his doing things for political gain because in my mind he was always representing what he thought were the best interests of Israel.

Well said. I think much the same thing: Were he around, I think that not only would Kadima have pulled in 40+ seats, but it would have been able to create a coalition of incredible power: 80+ seats.

Ezzie said...


I think much the same thing. Furthermore, were he around...

Jack Steiner said...


It is one of those sad things that life brings around, the kind where you wonder what if.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .