Living With A Shark

Ok, I don't really live with a shark but at the moment it feels like my daughter has been teething for years. When she opens her mouth I fully expect to see three rows of gleaming razor like objects.

For the last two days she has been cranky, crabby and gnawing like crazy. All typical teething events and I think that the two that are coming in are about through, at least I hope so. I need to get more than four hours of sleep.

This would have been nothing at 18, from a physical standpoint. From a maturity standpoint I wasn't ready then, but it would be nice to be able to go all night the way that I used to.

The best part of all this is when she takes a nap on my shoulder. I love the way she just collapses there and falls into a deep slumber. I don't sleep like that all that often anymore, with the footloose and fancy free manner that children do. Every now and then it happens, but not like it used to.

I take it back, the best part is not when she falls asleed on my shoulder. It is when she climbs into my lap to ask for a story or when she smiles at me or when she says "I love you."

The best part is just having her in my life.


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. I have a picture of my son, (when he was 10 months old), asleep on my shoulder. (smile) Kids ... they give us such precious memories, and they're so warm and snuggly.

One of my favorite memories was back in 1998. It was Christmas morning and I was actually up before my kids woke. My mother and I were chatting while I started in on food preparations.

About half an hour later, both my son and daughter came shuffling into the kitchen. They were rubbing the sleepy stuff out of their eyes and looking for me. I got a "Good morning, Mommy" and a hug from the both of them. (sigh) How sweet.

My mother, however, couldn't believe her eyes. She exclaimed, "Well how about that! What's wrong with your kids? Don't they know it's Christmas morning? Don't they care about their presents?" To which I responded, "There's nothing wrong with them, Mom, they just love me."

And then I turned away from her in order to hide the huge smile upon my face. That's my mom, she doesn't get it. I'm sure glad that I do.

~ Stacy ~

Richmond said...

This would have been nothing at 18, from a physical standpoint. From a maturity standpoint I wasn't ready then, but it would be nice to be able to go all night the way that I used to.

Funny how kids can do that, huh?

How those times of frustration and exhaustion can be so eaily negated by the moments of purity and sweetness and love.

And how much we all wish we had the energy we had at 18 or 22...

Sadie Lou said...

How old is your daughter? I have a soon-to-be-five month old and he is drooling like he has the faucet in his mouth stuck in the "on" position. He has to wear a bib to sop up it all up.
He's gonna cut teeth soon I know it!

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Sadie Lou,

She is almost 18 months.


You are so right.


That is nice.

Still Here

 I am still here even if I publish at a snail's pace. I am still here even if these posts aren't quite as random as they once were. ...