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One more thing. Today I took a moment to remember those who gave their lives at Pearl Harbor. The war was fought by my grandparent's generation but I am thankful for their sacrifices so that we could have the lives we lead today.


Alan aka Avrum ben Avrum said...

Good Show! That you should make mention of Pearl Harbor day as I neither heard nor saw anyone else, including the morning news, even mention it! What a pity and sad commentary indeed that this day "that will live in infamy" is seemingly remembered by so few! Both my step-father and his brother, Harold and Jack Grossman, (OBM) were survivors of that awful Sunday morning aboard the USS Chew.

I am ...

Sincerely yours,

Alan D. Busch c/o

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

My grandfather and father were military veterans. I thought Pearl Harbor day was the 6th of December all these years.

I watch the T.V. news daily, and do not remember hearing it mentioned. Thank you for drawing our attention to this day with such a nice tribute.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Alan,

It sadly is another indication that the further away we get from some dates the easier it is to forget.


It is my pleasure.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .