Worth a Second Look-


bornfool said...

lol. That's a good one.

PsychoToddler said...

Wait, I interrogate Moose and Squirrel and find out!

Bill said...

hee hee hee. But This comic and Psychotoddler's comment does highlight how the enemy has changed. Rocky and bulwinkle parodied the U.S., USSR conflict, now we have a mouse and zebra parodying the U.S., Al Qaeda conflict.

That said, I will take the Russians any day. They had the bomb, but where wise enough not to use it preemptively. If these nuts get it, G-d help us all.

Possum said...

I was laughing so hard until I read bill's comment

and then I sobered up

I'm going to poke around your blog some more... come by and see me anytime

Jack Steiner said...

Hi folks,

Welcome one and all. Bill you are so very right. The Russians understood MAD and there was deterrance but I don't know about the others.

P.S. I try to give credit where it is due and I do believe that I initially found this at Chez Treppenwitz.

Anonymous said...

No matter where you found it, it's good and the truth is that a big part of the terrorist plan is to duh, terrify us, it's nice to have things out there that show we haven't lost our sense of humor. However gallow's based it is...

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .